how do i get a host to give up source. and get him not to give it away to anyone.
Though im not going to assume anything here, you shouldn't have given your host any sourcefile at all. Just hosting files.

Your own fault, no way to do so other than hacking the hosts computer or causing malicious attacks on it (ex: force format).

Just for future reference, hosts needs only two type of files to host: .DMB and .RSC

You can zip these two file easily from DM by Build > Package Files > First option
One, you don't give your damn host the Source-code. You only send the host-files, you moron. Don't go on about how they hacked the host-files either, I know damn good and well you sent the source to him. Geez I hate it when people give their source to hosts because they're nublets.

-- Yam