
Well, everyone was a bit bored just standing around I guess, so the first thing that comes to people's minds always seems to be, "Hey, let's see if I can kill the guy next to me". This top screenshot is of me, the dwarf, having been grabbed by a human, fought to the bitter end, ended up ripping his legs off somehow. About the same behavior was going on just below there.

After a while I decided to spawn in a goblin drake rider which "Spikex" made very quick work of, strolled right up, goblin miss him, he severed it's head with one attack. Bam, goblin on the ground, blood everywhere. I posessed the drake to try to keep it from attacking everyone, but everyone was too busy attacking each other anyways. Oh yeah, and then I spawned in a barmaid and a few of us got drunk until someone cast a fireball at her.

All in all, I must say, a good time was had by everyone. I think I'll hold off on hosting for a while until I get some adventure worthy areas set up, and some other things for people to do. Oh yeah, a little law enforcement couldn't hurt either.
bah that sucked... stupid thing wouldn't let me create a character so I missed out on the action... >_<
My ninja character died. :( All it took was one hit from Kunark while I wasn't looking, and *bam*. I guess ninjas need some consitution too, even with a dexterity of 20. :P
Well, no level 1 character should be able to KILL you in one hit. Probably just knock you out, but that's still annoying. I need to do some work with the starting classes, as well as law enforcement. That server really was just a test server, there's plenty of other things that need to be added to prevent the mayhem that happened last night.
Heh, that rogue wasn't me :P I was that guy in the bottom corner there getting eaten alive by the barbarian.
Haha, too bad D4RK3 54B3R, I was the human that got both my legs hacked off, courtesy of DerDragon himself. I'll get you back Dragon, one day! It was total chaos, just everyone killing each other out of sheer boredom. Overall, we were all just having a good time.