I am currently looking for someone who is a friend or a fan of DW:SoE to donate coding services.
What i need: a "bot" character that can perform commands when prompted by events in the game.
What that means: A "player" that is always logged in to the game, that can respond to "questions" from players, and possibly greet new players as they join the game, and offer other automated miscellaneous help to new players.

If you are interested in helping, please contact me at [email protected], post here, or join Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick and talk to me, Smack.

Thanks for reading!
I have no email but I suppose I could develop a bot for you. Though, it depends on the exact things you want done.
come talk to me in DW:SoE... just pull us up on the Top Ranked Games list ;)
Sure ill develop a bot, it wont be in byond, but ill be glad too.
That's easy stuff. If you want it to answer questions from players asking them aloud, then just in the say command, have it break down type of sentence and look for certain words that show that for sure the player is asking that question, and then have it answer.

I did a crude one for drugwars with the computer characters to give them personality.
yeah, thats the idea kunark!
... and jermman, do you mean that you could develop a bot in some other language but have it connect to the game via telnet?
You took a post like that seriously? >_>

i hate GMs of gaymes.

He is a GM on SoE, so that alone should tell you he's kidding o_o
o_O Were you sucking up bandwidth or something?
Smack, Lute can already do what you want. Just talk to him. Remember the bar bunny that responds to the drink you order? Just let him know what you want and I'm sure he'll do it. No one else will be able to make a bot for SoE without having the code.