Tried to catch you online but I keep missing you =(
More Deck help!
Monsters: 19
1 Phantom of Chaos
1 Herald of Creation
1 D.D.Warrior Lady
1 Morphing Jar
1 Injection Fairy Lily
1 Card Ejector
1 Sangan
3 The Dark - Hex Sealed Fusion
1 Mirage Dragon
1 Twin Headed Behemoth
1 Mask of Darkness
1 Exiled Force
1 Skilled Dark Magician
1 Skilled White Magician
1 Dark Magician
1 Buster Blader
1 Airknight Parshath
Spells: 12
1 Brain Control
1 Heavy Storm
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Future Fusion
2 Polymerization
1 Premature Burial
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Enemy Conroller
Traps: 9
1 Torential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
3 Dust Tornado
2 Staunch Defender
1 Mirror Wall
Fusion Deck: 2
2 Dark Paladin
I know the deck can use a lot of work, how does one go about making a competitive Dark Paladin Deck?
Mar 20 2008, 8:32 am (Edited on Mar 21 2008, 5:16 pm)
I've ran a dark paladin deck before on DMO. The key to it is..
There is no key, just dragons. If your opponent has a dragon deck, you will cry from joy at the attack of your Paladin/Buster |
Actually no, power isn't a big deal anymore, in fact, the big reason to run DP is for the lockdown effect. I chose to combine that with negation and Vandalgyons, so that while my opponent can't do anything, he gets a bit of punishment for even trying.
Dark Magician
Dark Magician Dark Magician Divine Dragon Ragnarok Divine Dragon Ragnarok Buster Blader Buster Blader Buster Blader Exploder Dragon King of the Swamp King of the Swamp King of the Swamp Lord of D. Lord of D. Masked Dragon Masked Dragon Masked Dragon Morphing Jar Prime Material Dragon Prime Material Dragon Troop Dragon Troop Dragon Troop Dragon Card Destruction Dragon's Mirror Dragon's Mirror Dragon's Mirror Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Future Fusion Lightning Vortex Lightning Vortex Monster Reborn Polymerization Polymerization Polymerization Swords of Revealing Light Royal Decree Royal Decree Royal Decree (Extra Deck)9 Dark Paladin Dark Paladin Dark Paladin Five-Headed Dragon Five-Headed Dragon Five-Headed Dragon King Dragun King Dragun King Dragun (Side Deck) none i used the deck a few times on DMU. Its hasn't lost yet. And I allways busted out Dark Paladin. But incase I get bad draw I have the other stuff like King Dragun and five headed. That is why i have Dragon Mirror. But it lessen DP every time you use it. But with that other deck that i saw your not looking for power. |
Hey dixon u probely dont no me but im a huge fan of your very own megaman wars but listen can u tell me how to make customs on it?
You want a Dark Paly deck, which revolves around having lots O' dragons, which you seem to lack here.
Monsters: 19
1 Morphing Jar
1 Sangan
1 Twin-Headed Behemoth
2 Vandalygon
2 Whatever searcher searchers for the type that the dragon searcher is
3 That Dragon Searcher
3 Exploder Dragon
3 The Dark - Hex Sealed Fusion
3 Dark Magician
Spells: 12
1 Brain Control
1 Heavy Storm
1 Scapegoat
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Future Fusion
2 Polymerization
2 Dark Magic Curtain
1 Premature Burial
1 Swords of Revealing Light
Traps: 9
1 Torential Tribute/Mirror Force
3 Dimension Prison/Sakuretsu Armor
3 Solemn Judgement
3 Another Counter that isn't Counter Counter( Dark Bribe or something? Divine Wrath?)
Fusion Deck: 3
3 Dark Paladin
Dunno how it'll work, since I don't use those fancy online Yugioh Programs.