Event Feb 28 2012, 3:00 am
to Mar 10 2012, 3:00 am

Hi All

BYONDPanel.com is giving away 2 x 1 month free hosting to two lucky contestants.

Why? because the shared server is just sitting around doing nothing!

It is your chance to check out BYONDPanels easy to use system.

It's simple just go to the link below.


Make sure to check back on the website on the 10th of March to see who the winner is!

I will be messaging the winners on BYOND's pager.

Good luck!!!!

The link above has been programmed in DMCGI and may ask you to login but don't worry it redirects you to BYOND's secure login page.

And the winners are - flame48 & yusuke13

I will be in contact with you in the next few days.
Yay winners!
Congratulations flame48 and yusuke13!
Around the next 1-2 months we will hold another draw for one lucky person.
Thanks =D