AmonR wrote:
Careful with what you post though, rippers and shit y'know?

Long time no see, I remember it was you and the other pixel artists on NR that inspired me to start up spiriting in the first place.

My perspective:
Judging from the people I've seen around here if they ripped a piece they wouldn't be good enough or simply too lazy enough (hollows,etc take a good bit of mental endurance to follow up with) to build upon it, even though they only see certain parts of the pictures I post. It would also be funny seeing someone try to prove they own it when they can't even explain what makes the icon look like how it does.

And for the dozen people I've seen on Byond that could do it have the morals not too. Most artists see a fellow artist as a friend atleast I do.

This is most likely the reason why you see many confident spriters posting their work all over the place without hesitation, this thought never even slipped my mind.
Hulio-G wrote:
AmonR wrote:
Careful with what you post though, rippers and shit y'know?

Long time no see, I remember it was you and the other pixel artists...

Good way to think about it. Haven't been around in a looong while so I dunno the situation these days.
So when is the estimated alpha testing of the game?
Rugg wrote:
So when is the estimated alpha testing of the game?

We're aiming for the Summer. But remember, I didn't come here to hype anything.
*eye twitches* Wow. I wish I could leave it at that but I can't. Those icons are incredible...doesn't even seem possible for Byond.

Good luck with the game and hopefully I'll get the chance to play it.
You lazy programers! Apply now! I want to see ma base in action!
Tor Crowley wrote:
You lazy programers! Apply now! I want to see ma base in action!

Yeah Tor Crowley same here, I can't wait to see Hulio's base in action on the game; the suspense is just crazy ain't it? =]
awesome game. Go do not give up on this game :)
awsome if you are looking for some help im willing to offer [email protected] is my msn
I am willing to help and I enjoy programming so long as I have the artwork to work with. So my msn is [email protected] or if you want, I'm usually on the pager. I've learned a lot of things through my time and I'm sure I'm much more then you'll need.
Legendary Goku 10 wrote:
Tor Crowley wrote:
You lazy programers! Apply now! I want to see ma base in action!


The sooner we find the uber-programmer the sooner i'll start making uber clothes for the base Hulio and me created and most of all the Bankai's( biggest fun for iconing ). ah these exams are killing me...

What are your intentions & thoughts for your game website wise?
Garbage, kid.
Im nobody Important but Wow.. These icon left me without words. I would say even better then Maplestory's Pixel art. Teka also Is a friend of mines and he is always helping everybody. Looking forward to your game. ;)

ValkyrieJ wrote:
Garbage, kid.

What's wrong with you LG? You know Jennifer won't argue with people "less then her". ;p
Hulio-G wrote:
What's wrong with you LG? You know Jennifer won't argue with people "less then her". ;p

Oh, i didnt know that was Jen.
I cannot wait!!!Will their be any Member Benifits?
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