I'm not one to make advertisements but I'm forced to type this considering the main programmer has been gone for 5 days, that's 3 day's longer then it takes to piss me off. The second one's brother died and the third one admits he isn't capable of handling large sections of the code due to his randomness in losing and gaining motivation (most likely due to not having good knowledge on the series).
The Game
The game is "Bleach Online" and there's been enough art made that programming can commence. We mainly need a programmer...But if you have a different skill feel free to post about it.
Older stuff-
http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/6640/ ficechooses2ym1sg3.png
http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/1161/hollow1attackqo7.gif (Old Fishbone D hollow)
http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/8809/beachux0.png (Older Base, these arent actual IN game pics just visualized on PS, putting piece’s together finding chemistry).
http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/4913/streetworks2av8.png (Same here)
Just to show you how organized we can be:
http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/8981/ bopixelstatus2uf3.png (Outdated)
http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/3578/hollowprogressrp0.png (Outdated)
(These haven't been updated since January/December)
Some of the new stuff:

(We actually pretty much finished the new base)
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/797/ basepunchesfrontgs7.gif

http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/9657/fishbonepunchuk9.gif (New Fishbone D hollow,[naturally we developed during the 2 years of pixeling.])

http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/742/fullspinsetup4lp5.gif (ingame issues are unnoticeable but i'm working on it anyway.)

I hate requirements, but based on what i've seen in 6-7 years of Byond I have to write them. I've searched all over the net to build the staff I have. If they excel in their profession so should the programmer.
Minimum Requirements (What we're looking for in a "Head Programmer")
Experience - The last programmers I've worked with all had more then 4 years experience so hopefully you have atleast this down.
Online Time - This is a must. Progress rate is taken very seriously.
Communication - Who want's to deal with people who disappear every second with no curiosity to contact or email you?
Dedicated - This project is too big to a be a second priority to some other game.
Also Recommended
Professionalism - They don't work off rips, hopefully I can understand them, you're not losing files on a daily basis, If I ask about you in chatters or some other game people wont reply with "He sucks".
Bleach IQ- They know a thing or two about the series or atleast anime.
Age - I don't recommend anyone of age 15 or under unless they're some godlike prodigy.
Game Design
Don't look for a weakness. Even the designers are past the norm, most going to college for it. I value the system's more then the graphic's so for information on this contact me. Let the plan's decide weather you'll make a move or not, I'm not as belligerent or irrational(heaven forbid) in live chat as I may appear in my post's.
Many believe it to be the best bleach game in development, with the most intelligent and experienced staff which is super rare to find on a fan game...I can surround you with talent, from the start you'll have connections being with me. I mean you got a line-up of skilled hard-working pixel artist's who work 24/7 with everything (all the notes and systems) set up for you, what more could you ask for?
People have basically quit their game(game's that averaged 70-100 players) just to work on this one because the future is bright. With 2 years of pixel work and constant devotion to this project, I've pushed away alot in my life to even get this far. I might even go as far as to say it is the most important goal in my life...I've never been good at quitting things.
P.S. If you feel you wouldn't be able to contribute but know a skilled friend who follows most of these guidelines and you really want this project go to far then by all means go ahead and the make the move.
For quick a reply add my msn/email (I'm usually on all the time): [email protected]
Thank you for your time.
Inserting a retarded post is fun when the moment presents itself :)