Most of the people that know who I am, is aware of my current project, Anime Overdose. The game will be a funny light hearted mix of Anime. The only problem I face is... Vermolius and I, are pretty ignorant to some of the -good- anime. I mean, sure we have watched some of the mainstream anime, but please, we know there is much better quality anime out there.
SO, we need a Total Anime Nerd that knows a lot, an adviser of sort. Your name Will be Included in the credits, and all you have to do is answer our questions about anime, as well as provide us with some great insight on anime we are not familiar with. You will also have to make sure we stay true to the characters, with dialogue and such.
Its an easy job, and i'd be a good chance to totally geek out. To apply, just post a comment that includes the anime you know -a lot- about, and make sure to mention wich are your favorite.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!
Heck yeah! One of the most awesomely awesome shows ever. |
Gundam Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakasho Bleach Naruto Shippuuden Blood+ Death Note Usually short animes(Not many episodes) are the best. |
Ranma 1/2
What havoc will be unleashed with the cursed springs of Jusenkyou (or h/e its spelled) |
666 Satan is really good..{its not what your thinking seriously}
Blue Dragon :Ral Grad is good..lots of big boobs but no nudiety |
Uhh. I'm not looking for anime. I need someone that can be my anime database and save me the time that it would take me reasearching and watching episodes.
I also need that person to be familliar with popular, altho not top quality shows like Naruto, bleach, shows like that. On the side note, I just checked out Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and its freaking awesome! |
Afro Samurai
D. Gray-man Ronin Warriors Hellsing Hunter x Hunter JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Buso Renkin Blue Submarine No. 6 Rurouni Kenshin |
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann The first season was really good. But after that the show started to go downhill. Each episode after the first season just got worse and worse until the very end. Despite the plot, the animation was leaps and bounds ahead of a good 90% of the fucking garbage dubbed in English; I'm not exaggerating! The animation is that good by comparison. Also, we need more gargantuan robots using galaxies as platforms while they do battle and less protagonists turning into wandering hobos. |
^^ Are you looking for Shonen anime in particular? And by non-mainstream do you mean TokyoTv night-shots (Moetan, Hayate the Combat butler, & Those Who Hunt Elves) or OVA's that hardly anyone has heard of? (Daikon <3 Gainex)
Daemios wrote:
^^ Are you looking for Shonen anime in particular? And by non-mainstream do you mean TokyoTv night-shots (Moetan, Hayate the Combat butler, & Those Who Hunt Elves) or OVA's that hardly anyone has heard of? (Daikon <3 Gainex) Although some of the less known Anime, to Byond's age group have really cool Ideas that would be neat to implement in a game, but they are but the biggest part of byond is ignorant to them. I guess for the sake of keeping the references funny and understandable to most on here I'd -have- to go with anime that are known to a wider audience here at byond. Those super teeny action anime Like naruto and bleach provide easy grounds for humorous referencing due to its popularity. BUT they suffer in "coolness" I mean...really. So the challenge lies in being able to mix these two efficiently, know what to include, and what not to include, as well as knowing how a certain group of characters from one anime, will effect another. I wont be able to do this alone, because I am naive to anything but what 13 year olds watch, rofl.. So, if you think you can be my guide through both these worlds of teen and more mature animes, be sure to E-mail me an addy. My e-mail is [email protected] |
SuperAntx wrote:
Everyone: It did go downhill a bit but it still pretty awesome. The last few episodes of the 2nd season were pretty epic. Throwing Galaxies at each other? Hardcore. |
hey i know alot about desert punk i have all the episodes on dvd i even went to find and help edit a list of word's and saying that he says i also know how punk him self and many other character's from the show i know how they talk how they act and how they think to a dagree but yeah tell me what u think and i'd be happy to help in anyway i can oh and i have watched all the english subbed episodes of bleach i am at 164 and waiting for the newest one to come out
Many of these previously listed are all mainstream anime.
I'm surprised there aren't more fans out there of less-commonly watched series, like Yakitate Japan, Grenadier, Sky Girls, Saikano, Zombie-Loan, El Cazador, Claymore.. or even any of the Gundam series. Assuming you've picked someone up, I hope you have someone who can do some justice to these other great series that are not usually talked about. |
Claymore D.Gray-man Shakugan no Shana Bamboo Blade Samurai7 Samurai Champloo Code Geass Fate Stay Night |
Nishiatsu wrote:
Gundam00 Yeah 10 points on the shakugan shana request |
Sounds interesting enough
BTW I've seen atleast half if not all episodes of these anime: Hellsing Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho (FAVORITE!) Dragon Ball Z (favorite) Blade of the Immortal (favorite) Ranma 1/2 (favorite) Code geass (favorite) Death Note (favorite) Full Metal Alchemist (FAVORITE!) Bleach (I'm ep. 229 One Piece Higurashi No naku koro ni Case Closed (favorite) Elfin lied Cowboy Bebop Devil May Cry (favorite) Naruto Avatar (not a big fan though) Pokemon Yu-gi-Oh That's all I can think off the top of my head. Anyway My sister is as addicted to it as I am. but she watches other anime. I swair she's glued to the computer screen at times. Anyway I know alot about anime and I think it'd be fun putting it to use. |
Hayate No Gotoku
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan ( dunno how it's spelled)
.hack// series ( there's three I think)
D. Gray man
Welcome to the N.H.K.
Lurk around in to find more, as I am lazy.