Ello people that are being weird by looking at this post...how are you? good here =] bye!!! oh and necro...ure a loser!!!
Apr 2 2008, 3:42 pm
Sonic.. you need to get the dragonball z dark apocalypse working.. i cant get on it when your on... fix it please.. this is Hellboy or Sun Jian .. im both
flaming fighter...plz post something on ure page so we can talk and also...other people cant log in cause using a wireless modem(wireless modems use a unstable connection)...going to change to a regular modem but until then going to let necroskath be the host so that everyone will be able to join...and also there wont be any pwipes when we host so ya can have a change of getting like close to infinite pl and stuff...so yea necroskath should be the host tomorrow if all works well
where are all these new people coming from?...but yea we need to meet online somewhere
k...going to switch to modem soon...parents are kinda stupid so they wont notice the change...>.<...hopefully
ok...this might be random and all but it dosent make sense...why do people put up libraries to help people...and expect them to pay for it?...byon is suppose to be 100 percent free except for the part where byond admins pay you for ure game to stay up if its any good...there r people out there with libraries for 1 dime...1 penny...1 dollar...come on now...what is 1 dime going to get u?...and since everything is going up in price what is 1 dollar going to get u?...maybe like 2 seconds of sex with a pros but thats it...(if u can find one for that cheap)...
and who ever becomes the host can do a file transfer for all the GM's in the game so they dont have to do all that screen freezing crap again...just tell us ure lvl, pl lvl, str lvl, def lvl, ki lvl, and tp's lvl(that really dosent matter in this game...tp's really dont effect ure stats that much)...after u tell us that we will change ure stats too it...or u can do it if u have edit verb...dont over edit ureself though...
fool...just download the libraries...learn form them...and u wont get bored with byond...cause u will be able to make ure own games...