Capo, or Caporegime are high ranking mafioso who often led their own crews. Making it a fitting name for our new moderator rank!

Capos will have the following privileges:

  • Managing the forum
  • Submitting games for review!
  • Submitting blog posts for review!

  • Basically, if anyone wishes to become a Capo, you can reply to this post. Also, try to include a small description of why you should become root out some of the less-dependable people.

    P.S. I'm only looking for about 3.

    *If you're just looking for a rank up and tired of being a hitman...Just post asking to become a Crew Boss. The CB rank has no privileges but it is a change.
Basically game reviews etc...If they aren't biased enough will probably get through. The reason I gave Capos the ability to submit a blog post for review would be for things like game previews (for example: You are beta testing a new original game and you want to show some screenshots or features.) The main job for them at first would be deleting old forum posts...Any Capo who constantly abuses these privileges will be banned from the site.

*Also, if anyone has photoshop and wants to go the extra mile to help us out...We desperately need one of those smaller forum icons (under 6kb)
I'll just be a Crew Boss. lul.
Hm...I'm up for the Capos rank. I can mangae the forum with no trouble, submitting games, blog posts for review and stuff I am happy doing it :P
Thnx Teka!
I want Cap because i would like to supply everyone with clean/fresh Reviews of games that are worth playing/checking out also il keep an close eye on the forum to see if anything new comes up i will post anything thats Important to the members of the guild and most of all i just like to help o.O!
I'll give you a shot danny, I don't want to turn this into the anime guild though.
IcewarriorX wrote:
I'll give you a shot danny, I don't want to turn this into the anime guild though.

Thank you Ice Warrior :D
dam useless we hire people to keep the site alive but now its deader than ever!
lol :P
Teka123 wrote:
dam useless we hire people to keep the site alive but now its deader than ever!
lol :P

After Ice Warrior stopped posting so did i lol And Jasmine litteraly dissapeared boy i had good talking times with her O,o as for ice warrior we had a smexy discussion bout some games xD