- Xooxer told me that the next time I mention something about the HTML vs. BBCode thing again, I will be banned.
- Xooxer goes on to make a remark about HTML vs. BBCode.
- I reply, and mention something about standards.
- Xooxer says he doesn't care about standards.
- I say something along the lines of, "Oh, okay. I guess everyone always loves the one guy that goes against standards."
- I go AFK with the message, "I'm going to go make IE my default browser now."
- I am banned.
Pretty awesome, eh?
This will also be my last post on the matter, as Xooxer banning me from his blog and permabanning me from Chatters pretty much closes the whole ordeal.
![]() Mar 7 2008, 8:43 am (Edited on Mar 7 2008, 11:47 am)
This is what I got banned from Chatteres for:
![]() Mar 7 2008, 9:24 am
You sound like a douche, eh?
Just wanted to put out the reason I was banned, as he still says it was incessant nagging. While that was part of it, it was very much from a contradiction on his part.
Omfg. You made another blog post about this? Dude. Seriously. Get a life. This happened over 2 weeks ago, and your ban lasted less than day. What the fuck is your mental issue? Are you retarded in some way? I'd really like to know if I'm dealing with a true idiot or not. You sure did seem bright enough before this whole drama.
I told you to drop the HTML vs UBBcode rant you were on, or I would ban you. That's true. You seem to assume I told you to drop it because I didn't like you talking about it. That is not true. You were being disruptive to the chat, as was Pseudonym. Yes, complain about a feature, that's fine. Just don't do it for a HALF HOUR NON STOP FOR FUCKS SAKE! I honestly don't care about HTML, or about people saying this feature sucks or that feature should be in. People do that all the time. It's pretty much the second most popular topic, following 'Your Mom'. What I do care about is someone ranting on and on about an issue that's not an issue, making an issue out of it and totally ruining any conversation others were having, and disrupting the channel. I also care when someone, for no apparent reason, starts flaming every post I make about Chatters, or who posts misleading, negative comments which have no basis in reality on the only review Chatters has gotten so far. Stop it. I mean honestly, what did you expect would happen? If you bugged me about how much UBBcode sucks just one more time, I might magically change my mind and add it in for you? Really? What goes on in your head? No, I don't want to know. You were banned for your trollish behavior. I have witnesses who can back me on that. You disrupted the channel with your rant, and made the whole place feel like shit. That's why I banned you. I didn't even read what you were typing towards the end. I was banning you at the time (takes a few seconds to type out the person's name, check the spelling, and add an appropriate reason). I banned you based on the line prior to the one you posted, actually. I just don't recall what it was. It was something I was at first going to reply to, something I had already said, because I felt like I was repeating myself. I realized that I was, and that I already warned you, so decided to stick to my word and ban you, instead of trying to conclude the BS through dialog. I usually like to moderate with words. Kicks and bans are quick, but they can lead to people like you harassing the admin to get unbanned, or just to be an ass. Since you're not trying to get unbanned, you must be an ass. However, when you're actually trying to push buttons, or are in some way disruptive to the chat to the point that I can't talk you out of it, then bans are the next best thing. I tried talking to you, Fizz, but you wouldn't listen. You got yourself banned, and you'll probably get yourself banned from many more channels if you keep acting this way. Drakiel, fuck you. |
I made this post four days before you commented, god damn. I was pointing out how I was banned for a topic you brought up again, going against what you just said. Of course, you don't listen to your own bloody rules, so who the fuck cares?
Popisfizzy wrote:
I made this post four days before you commented, god damn. Yeah, which was still over a week after the event. You're obsessed. I was pointing out how I was banned for a topic you brought up again, going against what you just said. Do as I say, not as I do. If a police officer tells you to get on the ground, are you going to disobey because he's not getting on the ground too? Really man. Think about it. You're the one who was disruptive, I was the one telling you to stop. You obey, not me. I'm the authority, not you. Of course, you don't listen to your own bloody rules, so who the fuck cares? What makes you think the rules apply to me? If you're being a troll, why do I need to not talk? That's retarded. I'm the moderator, and you're the troll. I bark, you jump. Anything else is unacceptable. |
And the comment below mine is exactly why I probably won't ever set foot in chatters. Power trips aren't always fun to be on the receiving end of, just try another chat or use pager.
Respect is also earned, your position in chatters is just a mockery of the term. Just because you're the creator/moderator or whatever you want to call it in your game doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. In fact the way you're acting just proves how low you really are. In all fairness it is your creation though, but you catch more flies with honey than you do with douche. |
Xooxer wrote:
Yeah, which was still over a week after the event. You're obsessed. This is after you had banned me from your blog (though I don't even remember what the post was about, as you have deleted it), so it was a finishing up of the whole ordeal. Do as I say, not as I do. If a police officer tells you to get on the ground, are you going to disobey because he's not getting on the ground too? Really man. Think about it. You're the one who was disruptive, I was the one telling you to stop. You obey, not me. I'm the authority, not you. I'm not going to obey his commands if he's attempting to arrest me for doing the same thing as him. You were being just as disruptive as I was, and, in fact, you had brought the matter back up after I would've stopped talking about it. Crazy, eh? What makes you think the rules apply to me? If you're being a troll, why do I need to not talk? That's retarded. I'm the moderator, and you're the troll. I bark, you jump. Anything else is unacceptable. Because rules are rules. You use an analogy of an officer above and say this now? God, you're inconsistent and dumb. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
This is after you had banned me from your blog (though I don't even remember what the post was about, as you have deleted it), so it was a finishing up of the whole ordeal. Fine, then let's finish it. Finally. I'm not going to obey his commands if he's attempting to arrest me for doing the same thing as him. Then you'll be resisting arrest and making things a whole hell of a lot worse for yourself. You don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter what the officer did. He's the authority. You either cooperate, or you suffer the consequences. Don't blame the officer because you broke the law. He's not to blame for your mishap, you are. It's not your place to police the police. You don't have any authority over them. That's why they are the authority. You can either respect them, or you can remove yourself from their jurisdiction. You don't get to dictate how you are punished based on his actions. That's for the courts, or higher authority. You were being just as disruptive as I was, and, in fact, you had brought the matter back up after I would've stopped talking about it. Crazy, eh? Um, no. I was trying to defuse your rant by talking. It's my preferred form of moderation. I thought maybe I could just talk you down, but I failed. I'm not responsible for what comes out of your mouth, Fizz. It makes no difference what I said, did or didn't do. You disobeyed my order to drop the subject, even after being muted and kicked. You suffer the consequences of your own actions. I did not "make" you start ranting again, you chose to do that yourself. You made the decision, and you need to learn to deal with your own choices. Don't pass the blame off, nobody can make you be an ass but you. Because rules are rules. You use an analogy of an officer above and say this now? God, you're inconsistent and dumb. First off, there are no hard rules. The only rules are the ones that I make up. Those are most likely to change at any time and without notice. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. I don't have to inform you of the rules even if you ask, and I can choose to enforce them or not based on the situation as I perceive it. I even have the authority to enforce rules that don't exist, or that you didn't break. Do you know why? Because I am the authority in my channel, just as you are the authority in yours. Just as I can ban you from my blog, you have the authority to ban me from yours. You have every right in your own channel, and none in any other. You do not get any rights by entering Chatters. It's a privilege, not something you're owed. Yes, I am the dictator of The Lounge, because that's how chats are moderated. Name me one democratic chat program, or a socialist chat room. Can you? No. (Interesting side note, I am working on such a thing for the OPs, so maybe your argument will be valid in time, but right now it's not. Talk to Evi about it. We brainstormed a bit on the idea of socialist and democratic moderation schemes last year.) Why? Because they're all moderated with absolute authority. That's just how it's always been. If you think my methods so harsh, you should try your luck on IRC, or any other chat system. Just because you got to raise hell in Chat without anyone to moderate you, doesn't mean I'll stand for it in my house. When you host a channel, you can do whatever you want to anyone who enters, short of breaking the law. But while you're in my channel, you'll follow my rules or you'll be removed. Does it make sense now? |
Xooxer wrote:
I'm not going to obey his commands if he's attempting to arrest me for doing the same thing as him. I'm not going to obey the authority of someone who doesn't deserve it. Simple as that. Um, no. I was trying to defuse your rant by talking. It's my preferred form of moderation. I thought maybe I could just talk you down, but I failed. I'm not responsible for what comes out of your mouth, Fizz. It makes no difference what I said, did or didn't do. You disobeyed my order to drop the subject, even after being muted and kicked. You suffer the consequences of your own actions. I did not "make" you start ranting again, you chose to do that yourself. You made the decision, and you need to learn to deal with your own choices. Don't pass the blame off, nobody can make you be an ass but you. Of course, none of this changes the fact that you still brought it up after you stated, simply, to let it go, and I would've let it go if you had left it at that. Your bullheaded ideals of you being above your own law are now why I am banned though. I shouldn't have started in the first place, I admit, but I am banned because you brought up something and expected me not to reply. I suppose you think I will just lay down like a dog to its master's command, eh? The simple answer is no, I am not so easily commanded. First off, there are no hard rules. The only rules are the ones that I make up. Those are most likely to change at any time and without notice. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. I don't have to inform you of the rules even if you ask, and I can choose to enforce them or not based on the situation as I perceive it. I even have the authority to enforce rules that don't exist, or that you didn't break. I just think people should follow their own rules. That's like saying no swearing, but ordering the rule such as, "No fucking swearing. I fucking mean it you little shits. If any one of you bitches fucking swears damn your ass. You can burn in hell and I ban you for-fucking-ever." |
The Naked Ninja wrote:
And the comment below mine is exactly why I probably won't ever set foot in chatters. Power trips aren't always fun to be on the receiving end of, just try another chat or use pager. This isn't power tripping. This is just how it is, and how it's always been. The Lounge is my own, and it will always be my own. The rest of the channels are not mine, and I have no more authority in them than you have in The Lounge. You're confusing my channel with Chatters as a whole. I have no authority over the whole of Chatters, as Fizz would like you to believe. Everyone working on it is equal. I may be opinionated when it comes to how certain things work, but I have no authority to dictate how things work. At any point Fizz could have added HTML himself. In fact, Blu is working on that very thing right now. He chose not to, and decided to raise hell in my channel instead. That is not acceptable, and I will not apologize for removing him. If you think removing someone for being a troll is power tripping, then I probably won't want you in my channel either. Respect is also earned, your position in chatters is just a mockery of the term. Just because you're the creator/moderator or whatever you want to call it in your game doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. I never said I was better, only that I was in charge of my own chat room. That makes me an authority over him while he is there, not a better person. I've earned the respect of my peers, I don't need it from trolls. You will respect my authority in my own home, however. Just as I would respect your authority in yours. In fact the way you're acting just proves how low you really are. Actually, I think taking the time to even discuss this shows I'm not. I honestly don't know why I'm bothering. It's pretty clear he's never going to get it. In all fairness it is your creation though, but you catch more flies with honey than you do with douche. Heh, funny. But I don't want to catch flies. I want to keep the flies away. That's one of the reasons I don't want HTML in my channel, I believe it draws flies, as you say. That doesn't mean I won't have it in Chatters. I won't add it myself, but nothing is stopping anyone else from adding it. I moderate lightly, at best, but when I do use the few commands I have, (mute kick and ban) I use them in order and not in excess. I don't rush to ban someone, I try other methods first. If I can, I try and talk to them. It usually works. A simple, "Ok, that's enough guys." Is usually all I do, and people get the hint. Failing that, I'll engage the offenders more directly, and ask that they please stop. Failing that, I may mute or choose to kick them, depending on how I think they'll react. If I believe they'll settle down with a one or two minute mute, I'll do that. If it's clear they're just being trollish to troll, I'll kick them to let them know I can end their rampage if I choose. If they return and go off again, I'll probably give talking one last try and finally revert to the ban if it fails. That is exactly what I did with Fizz, so don't give me this power trip BS. I don't abuse my authority. I never have, and I never will. If you want to not join Chatters because I moderate one channel out of the whole network, well, that's your choice. Seems a silly one, though. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
I'm not going to obey the authority of someone who doesn't deserve it. Simple as that. Yeah, well I guess you'll be seeing a lot of prison, then. Good luck with that. Of course, none of this changes the fact that you still brought it up after you stated, simply, to let it go, and I would've let it go if you had left it at that. Doesn't matter, I don't control you. You didn't just bring it up, you brought it up at full rant. I didn't "bait" you into a ban. My comment wasn't even directed at you, and barely even had anything to do with it. It was more like "God, what's the big deal anyways?". Even so, you started it again. I didn't ban you right off, either. If you recall, you went on for quite a while before I banned you. It's not like I said "What's the big deal?" and you immediately replied with "BBCODE SUCKS!" and I banned you, no. We discussed it more, for about two or three minutes before you got up to full rant speed again. I was about to reply with something like, "Seriously, enough or I'll ban you, I mean it.", and realized the ban would probably do more good, since I had already warned you that I would ban you if you didn't drop it. Your bullheaded ideals of you being above your own law are now why I am banned though. Actually, you're, again, not banned. I haven't gotten around to adding you to my pager ban list yet, and since digi's server went down, I lost all the saves it had. Also, you again confuse The Lounge with Chatters. You fail to understand that other channels are open to you. Even the option of hosting your own. Maztekia was founded by Crashed, and he is the only authority in it. Why not join that? I shouldn't have started in the first place, I admit, but I am banned because you brought up something and expected me not to reply. I suppose you think I will just lay down like a dog to its master's command, eh? The simple answer is no, I am not so easily commanded. No, you are banned because you didn't want to quit. I cannot be blamed for what you say. Only you can account for your own actions. I'm not trying to control you, I'm trying to control the BS in my channel. It's never personal, and I certainly don't lord over anyone. Heck, I even asked everyone if they thought I was fair to you, and while not everyone did, most people agree that you were dealt with fairly. I just think people should follow their own rules. Yeah, and for the most part I do. My rules are fairly simple. Don't be an ass, and everything will be fine. Sometimes I let shit slide, sometimes I don't. But I'm not going to refrain from chatting in my own channel because someone else can't control their temper. That's like saying no swearing, but ordering the rule such as, "No fucking swearing. I fucking mean it you little shits. If any one of you bitches fucking swears damn your ass. You can burn in hell and I ban you for-fucking-ever." Agreed, that is retarded. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
I mean, who can abuse their power when there are no restrictions to it, eh? Apparently you believe I can. I love how the person ban gets to evaluate the quality his punishment. Imagine if prisoners got to score prison guards on how well they did their job? Yeah, I can see that working out real well. XD |
Xooxer wrote:
Apparently you believe I can. I love how the person ban gets to evaluate the quality his punishment. Imagine if prisoners got to score prison guards on how well they did their job? Yeah, I can see that working out real well. XD No, I think you misunderstood what I'm saying. You're saying both "I am above the law" and "I will not abuse my power" at the same time, and it makes no sense. Feeling you are above your own authority while at the same time saying you will obey your authority, while not a direct contradiction, just implies you are nuts. Which, of course, you are, but that's beside the point. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
No, I think you misunderstood what I'm saying. Nope, I understood perfectly clear. You're saying both "I am above the law" No, I'm saying I am the law. and "I will not abuse my power" at the same time, and it makes no sense. It makes perfect sense. I set the rules, and I play by them for the most part. I am not bound by them as you are. But I will not use that freedom to control you. I'll moderate when I think it's necessary, but you don't get to decide when that is. Feeling you are above your own authority while at the same time saying you will obey your authority, while not a direct contradiction, just implies you are nuts. That's not what I said at all. What I said is that I am the authority, although I will set an example, I am not bound by my own rules. I will deal fairly with each situation as best I can, and will not go out of my way to use it on people without due cause. While I can do whatever I want at anytime I want, and have every right to do so, that doesn't mean that's how I will act. I stated that there are no rules except the ones I make up because it's true. I also stated I have complete authority in my own channel because it's also true. You seem to think you have the right not to be banned. You do not. You have no rights in The Lounge. However, that does not mean I'm going to go off and ban someone just because I can. The option is open to me, but I choose to refrain. Just like you have the option to be an ass, and chose not to refrain. The only difference is that you were under an authority and I was not. Which, of course, you are, but that's beside the point. I'm not crazy. I don't buy the 9/11 official report, but I also don't presume to know the truth. I have some ideas, but that's all they are. I don't believe government is bad, and I have respect for authority. I don't wear tinfoil caps or howl at the moon, I just don't believe 2 110 story steel high-rises, and one 47 story steel high-rise, can be brought down in under 15 seconds by fire alone. You of all people should understand the sheer unlikelihood of such an even taking place. It violates physical laws, like conservation of energy and basic Newtonian laws of gravity and momentum. If anyone is crazy, it's you who accept at face value what has proven to be counterfeit. I'm asking questions, you deliver absolutes. Who's crazy? |
If something falls, it will fall regardless of fire bringing it down, or explosives, simple as that. And violating momentum? As it falls, it accellerated, providing it with more and more energy as it collapses. It doesn't violate basic physical laws, as I saw video of the very event on TV, and numerous people were there to see it. It happened, and by that very fact, it didn't violate physical laws. Do you think live video feeds were faked, and thousands of people are being coerced or bribed into lying?
Those towers will fall at the same rate whether they're brought down by explosives, fire, or little elves with toothpicks weakening the structure. It doesn't matter what they were weakened with, just so long as they were weakend. They would've had to have been accellerated from the top, in full view of numerous people to see, in order to be made to fall faster. And I didn't say I don't respect authority. I just don't think that a shiny piece of metal and a uniform mean you are worthy of such authority, in very much the same way three verbs don't make you worthy of it. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
If something falls, it will fall regardless of fire bringing it down, or explosives, simple as that. Oh, I'm not disputing that the collapse happened, just the reasons given to us by the reports. And violating momentum? As it falls, it accellerated, providing it with more and more energy as it collapses. Let me state it like this. Assume initial structural failure has taken place at some point (so we don't have to get into that whole mess), and the tower beings to collapse. Would you expect the tower to fall straight down through itself, or to topple towards the side of most damage? If the towers do fall through themselves, would you expect there to be resistance to the fall provided by the remaining structure below, or not? You see, that tower fell through itself. It collapse straight down in under 15 seconds. That is nearly the rate of free-fall speed for Earth. That means there was no resistance provided by the remaining structure to the falling debris. It fell as if it was not there, if that makes any sense. The only way to accomplish that is to remove the support beams before the debris hit them. Otherwise there would be resistance and the beams take the weight, bend, snap and finally fail. It doesn't violate basic physical laws, as I saw video of the very event on TV, and numerous people were there to see it. Just because you saw it happen doesn't mean it happened the way we were told. You can't deny the towers fell. That is crazy. You can deny the cause, since that is not really shown to us. It's figured out and relayed by a handful of reports written by various groups. Even their reports can't agree on what happened! It happened, and by that very fact, it didn't violate physical laws. Do you think live video feeds were faked, and thousands of people are being coerced or bribed into lying? No, but I don't leave out the possibility of video trickery. There does seem to be some indications of altered footage, and some news clips that neither show, nor mention an airplane. The evidence is weak, but I can't write it off as false either. Those towers will fall at the same rate whether they're brought down by explosives, fire, or little elves with toothpicks weakening the structure. That rate is also much much slower than it actually took, according to the laws of nature we all live by. It doesn't matter what they were weakened with, just so long as they were weakend. They would've had to have been accellerated from the top, in full view of numerous people to see, in order to be made to fall faster. Not true. Different disasters have very different effects on structures. Fire is not the same a explosives, which is not the same as flooding. They each have very distinct patterns to their destruction, and fire does not fit what happened to the towers. And I didn't say I don't respect authority. I just don't think that a shiny piece of metal and a uniform mean you are worthy of such authority, in very much the same way three verbs don't make you worthy of it. How about providing the very forum for which I am an authority in? I have this authority because I wrought it with my own hands. I am in charge because this is ultimately my creation, and I chose to have my own channel in it. I created the very place you say I shouldn't be in charge of. How am I not worthy to moderate that which I create? What audacity do you have to question my ownership of my own property? Even if I have shared it with everyone, I still have worth as it's originator and main driving force for it's creation. I've earned my authority with hard work. You earned nothing by entering it, except the pleasure of using it. |