Awww.. only 50 days left before my BYOND Membership Expires... T_T
and I didn't make alot Posts yet..
I guess I"ll make one about My BYOND Story? <3~ Well, here it iiss.
My Whole BYOND Story started, when I played World of Warcraft Three or Four years ago. I met a nice person, Called BadHulk. He stopped playing World of Warcarft, So did I, because it was so boring without him. I was sad, that I wouldn't see him ever again..
Until one day, I saw a message. A certain person added me to MSN. I accepted, hi name was 'Michael'. I asked who he was,he asked me who I was too. We started to know more about each other, and a few weeks later I found out that he was BadHulk. That was an emotional moment lol. xD
A few days later I told him I was bored. He sent me a link to BYOND, I clicked it, and said, Nah, boring. Does not look nice.
A few days Later I was bored again. That day I decided just to take a look, I downloaded BYOND, and Joined Pokemon RP. I liked it, but got a bit bored in time.
Weeks later there was another game on line, Called 'Pokemon RP Reborn', which reminded me of Pokemon Role play, and I joined. I liked the game alot, and I still remember my first key on PRPR.. (A key I made later because I forgot my user name and all..xD) The key name was Lenapoortvliet. My English was very bad the time I joined, I didn't even know how to use the OOC channel. Well anyway, I started my journey as charmander, and hit lvl 60 as Charizard I think, than I recreated as an Eevee when I finally noticed Eevee was in 'random Rare'. I had no Idea where to find it. 8D; Yeah, I was a real n00b with a bad grammar. I'm still surprised that I didn't get banned that time. XD
When I was an eevee, I found a nice trainer. Anne was her name. Anne_1991. (That was Leanna.) she didn't know me, I didn't know her. she evolved me into a Jolteon. And I fully trusted her. We told each other our MSN-adresses. We spoke to each other alot.
As Time went on, I learned how to Icon things, and ow to use channels. xD I started to talk with Capitols, and months later I talked with Periods too. c: Yeeaaah.
than on a certain day, I was wondering which games were being hosted, so I searched for 'Pokemon' on search. I clicked Pokemon world, By Swift_Facon. I learned to know RareScar, Mattzz, Wes(Ze'ding), MeMe and Poptart. They seemed to be very nice, They became my friends. On a certain day, RareScar Promoted me to be a GM, I was shocked, but surprised and happy in the same time, because Iév never been GM on any games before.
On Pokemonworld I had a fight with someone who stole a Glaceon icon of a friend of mine. But he didnt listen, and stole his Glaceon, and gave it out to everyone. No other thoughts came up than, 'It was my fault'.. 'Why...' I attempted to quit BYOND. The next day I got an email from Wes, He was the reason I was going to stay, else I would be gone. He was so nice and honest inn that email.. When I was reading it I almost started to cry. >:
And yup, a few days later I asked him to marry we, We married on Pokemon Twilight.
He's not online so often the last days, But Wes, I miss you. Come back one day to hug me. <3
Meanwhile, I Joined Pokemon Red Steel when it was created. Dome promoted me to be a GM, and I was one of the Iconners and lately I started to code for the game. And yes, Pigeon and I are still coding it. I must say, Pokemon Red Steel has changed my personality on BYOND. I met awesome and Cool people on there, I learned how I could really make friends, Instead of Only giving critic. I wanna thank Dome for Creating PRS, I'm proud to be a GM on there, not about the verbs, but about the people and the Game.
And this may not have really good reasons, but I still wanna thank a few People on BYOND. <3
First of all: Leanna. thank you for being my very first friend, and for all good twin-years. You also helped me somehow,I was very shy at the beginning at BYOND. I didn't talk. You did. I was a bit Jealous that you dare to talk alot, and I didn't, So I gave it a try. And little by little I found My Way on BYOND. *Hug* <3
Suiso. Thank you for Being my friend and Brother. You always have cute Icons. And when I ask for a icon, or a backup, you're there. I"ll always be there for you. <3
Dome. Like I said; For creating PRS. Wich changed my Personality on BYOND. I feel more responsible for things which are going on at PRS. you're also a great friend. Thanks. <3
Cat: ..xD I wrote down 'Cat' and PING. Msn: Pheonix Cat is now online'. Funny. But Anyway, You changed my personality too, on PRPR. I"ll tell the truth, You didnt blush for anyone, and you could easily make friends. I couldn't, the only one I had was Leanna. I saw the way you were talking. And also that you used Capitols and Periods, so I gave it a try too. But yeah, somehow I got to thank you too. Thanks.
Sirus and Nova: For Creating and Hosting PRPR. :3 I love this game. It's really special, also because that was the first BYOND game where I met Leanna on.
Wes1234: For being my husband, and trusting me. <333 I really miss you. I heard a song called 'Westlife - I lay my love on you'. I liked the song, Than I saw the Singers.. Westlife... I thought of you, your name starts with 'Wes' too. Everytime I heard that I think of you. Please come back Soon. Because I Miss you. (Just like alot other people.) T-T
RareScar: For helping me out alot, with emotional problems I had and more. I'm really sorry for what happend long Ago. It won't happen again. <3
Mikoshi: For Summoning me all the time on PRS? You're awesome and funny, with your Latias and Latios icons.. XD
Alexis: For making my brother Sui happy with you. :3
BadHulk: for connecting me with BYOND.
Okay, That's it. that was my BYOND Story.o.o</3>
![]() Mar 4 2008, 9:45 am (Edited on Apr 15 2008, 8:50 am)
![]() Mar 4 2008, 10:29 am
lol.. That was a touching story Lena. I'm glad you shared it. <3
WaterDude wrote:
lol.. That was a touching story Lena. I'm glad you shared it. <3 Henate said the same thing. xD Ofcourse, I need something to post. :3 --------------------------------------- Oh, Pardon for the Smilies. Stupid things, copied this from the PRS forums. |
Neat story, but isn't it a bit soon to spill out your "BYOND History?" You've only been here a year.
SuperAntx wrote:
Neat story, but isn't it a bit soon to spill out your "BYOND History?" You've only been here a year. If you read her story you'll notice she said that she had to create another Key because she forgot her old one.. >_> |
SuperAntx wrote:
Neat story, but isn't it a bit soon to spill out your "BYOND History?" You've only been here a year.Wrong. I joined in 2004, Like I said, I forgot that key and password.. It was somethnig with Lena tough.. My second key was Lenapoortvliet. I created this key later, wich I only have for a year. xD It fits to my email adress so. o.o EDIT: Oh, Thanks Water. Sorry I didn't see that post.. ^-^; |
SuperAntx wrote:
Neat story, but isn't it a bit soon to spill out your "BYOND History?" You've only been here a year.Wrong. I joined in 2004, Like I said, I forgot that key and password.. It was somethnig with Lena tough.. My second key was Lenapoortvliet. I created this key later, wich I only have for a year. xD It fits to my email adress so. o.o |
Fire_Leana wrote:
SuperAntx wrote: It's alright. :P |
Propaganda wrote:
tl;dr Meh. D: I can't remember everything can I.. And I left BYOND that day for a long time.. |
I hope you're not serious about the "(his)tory" thing. "His" and "history" don't even have the same god damned root! The fact that "his" is in that word is pure coincidence. People who think that is sexist are as stupid as people who think the word "niggardly" is racist.
is it just me or does that pokemon in the corner look like it's about to climax?
Propaganda wrote:
is it just me or does that pokemon in the corner look like it's about to climax? Cli...max.... :|... |
Propaganda wrote:
is it just me or does that pokemon in the corner look like it's about to climax? D:.. Are you Vash? |
Fire_Leana wrote:
Propaganda wrote: If you don't know who that is you need to LM |
That's definably more interesting then my story. D: All I did was look for some games when I WAS addicted to naruto and byond popped up, then I surfed through the Anime section and found PRS. >_>