There once was a game created by me named Mario and Sonic...The purpose was to find chaos emeralds, beat bosses, and complete stages. The game had a leveling system, and tons of characters. However...This game was canceled during development of the third stage due to lack of interest....
Now..The game has returned....but with a few new allies....
PHANTASY KINGDOM (Insert epic music)
Play in a world of phantasy. Use Sonic, Mario, Kirby, Link, and more characters to find your way through sticky situations, traps, and access to other characters! There is a mysterious person who is taking over the universe! Fight your way through other galaxies and become the true king of light!
*End gayness here*
Ok... I'm gonna tell you guys some stuff. The first galaxy you can access is Sonic's Galaxy using the Sonic Warp. The first stage you go through is the same stage in M&S. Next is Mario's Galaxy, where you fight bosses in each stage.
Missions of the game
Sonic's Galaxy - Gather Chaos Emeralds and prevent the remake of the Death Egg! (Neo Metal is trying to rebuild it)
Mario's Galaxy - Bowser has taken over Peach's Castle! Go to the worlds in the paintings and defeat Bowser!
Kirby's Galaxy - Obtain the Star Rod from Marx Star(Marx absorbed Star Rods power)!
Link's Galaxy - Ganondorf has obtained the Triforce! Use the 3 Stones to gain the Light Force and finish off Gannon!
End of the Universe (EU) - Classified Information
????'s Galaxy - ????? has returned! Find the ?????????? ???? to finish ?????!
?????'s World - After the events of EU, you find youself in a world that never ends! Countless stages, bosses, secrets, and more! You might even fight ?????.....
Heh, The last 3 places are true hell!
![]() Jan 14 2009, 11:17 am
dont forget to add (yellow fox) gogeta the prower.... in sonic world :)
wow ur games sounds EPIC TO THE MAX i bet its goning to have 25 players the first day i also have too link icons and loz mm icons to ask me if u need any