Oh, did you think I was rating HaH based on TWC? TWC is a collection of demos and tidbits of original code piled on top of a Celestial Chaos source. Garbage in my book, where if it isn't broken it's either missing or annoying.
I was rating it based on Wizard's Syndicate, which predated HaH and TWC by at least 2 years.
You lost points on originality because HaH is/was pretty clonish of the original TWC from back in 2005/6 (can't remember exactly), and TWC got almost no points of originality from me because the original of that was a direct copy-paste of the more obvious parts of WS. After the substantial revamp in '07, it had a little more going for it for originality, but it was still extremely unfriendly in design.
If you want originality, you should strive for something more open, with more attention to the finer details of the HP world, and not just base the entire game on a collection of tiny, awkwardly designed maps that people can spam spells on and explore the entire depth of in 20 minutes (ignoring " X clan only" areas, of course, but I doubt they have anything that every other map doesn't).
When is this game gonna get started back up i'm eager to play because i'm back into harry potter and when i played it it was very fun.
I got IP Banned from HaH. The rules are too strict. Got in a fight with Lcrashed because she banned me for saying lmao. It's not like thats a HORRIBLE way to swear. It's an acronym for gods sakes. Most of the people who aren't allowed to view swear words online or anything don't know what it means. And she banned me for 5 minutes, after giving me two warnings. Lmao is part of my vocabulary and I say it on default. If you keep the strictness up, your "game" will lose its fans. I really don't care what you do, but TWC will always be better, even if its a c+p, it has a great community and is staffed by great people.
Chessmaster_19 wrote:
... it ended badly when parts of the HAH source were found within TWC (In fact, some of them were still there, when Ragnarok released the TWC source a year ago), which led to Ragnarok being removed from the project, which led to him releasing the source publicly. And, several spells were directly ripped from HAH to TWC after that. I'd like to point out that TWC code has also been found in HAH. And the developer that stole said code denied it profusely. When presented with undeniable evidence, he claimed that he simply must have forgotten. Lolcakes. |
Yea, because TWC isn't one HUGE rip anyway XD there are icons from countless games in there......
Peace boy380 wrote:
Yea, because TWC isn't one HUGE rip anyway XD there are icons from countless games in there...... I'd like to point out that a lot of icons in TWC that you see in other games have been found in open sources that are downloadable and have expessed permission to be used in games. So TWC isn't a rip. Peace out Peace boy and don't run your mouth about stuff that you don't really understand. |
Ripspear wrote:
I'd like to point out that a lot of icons in TWC that you see in other games have been found in open sources that are downloadable and have expessed permission to be used in games. So TWC isn't a rip. Peace out Peace boy and don't run your mouth about stuff that you don't really understand. I'd like to point out that this blog post is from 2008... Lolol |
Murrawhip wrote:
Ripspear wrote: I'd like to point out that I didn't realize that, but still stand with what I said. As for the late reply now, I don't go on forums much, and completely forgot about this thread. :D |
It's obviously a Harry Potter game, though we made a point to offset it from main series, but unless JKRawling decides to write another series using the same world, you can't separate Hogwarts from Harry Potter. To argue that it's not is just semantics.
Well gee, I'm disappointed that we lost 9 points on Originality. Perhaps we should have strived to make the game without houses, monsters, spells, or classes? I
t's undeniable that HAH has always owed a debt to TWC, and the game was not created to rip off TWC or to attempt to -dethrone- TWC. All of the 4 original HAH creators were active TWC players at the time (that's how we knew each other). If anything, I'd say that the primary motive for starting HAH was because we were dissatisfied with a lack of improvement towards TWC.
We've always tried to differentiate HAH from TWC, but we were obviously constrained in what we could do. It's hard to imagine a Hogwarts/Harry Potter game in which you don't learn spells primarily from classes or sort students based on houses; it just wouldn't be Hogwarts.
We've, therefore, aimed to differentiate HAH in more subtle ways, using a more automated class system, a more flexible clan system, and more varied spells.
It's regrettable that many icons are not original, but you do what you can. None of the icons (to the best of my knowledge) have been stolen, all taken from open source projects and such.
As for the source: HAH was started from scratch. It was not based off of Ragnarok's code, but there is a reason for some degree of similarity: Early on in the project, Ragnarok, who was not actively coding TWC at the time, offered to "help" with the project. While the decision to accept his help was retrospectively foolish, it ended badly when parts of the HAH source were found within TWC (In fact, some of them were still there, when Ragnarok released the TWC source a year ago), which led to Ragnarok being removed from the project, which led to him releasing the source publicly. And, several spells were directly ripped from HAH to TWC after that.
While the incident occurred much to early in the project to cause significant damage, it is still a regretable incident and has caused... hostility since then.