Well the login graphics weren't very great when you first come on. It looked like pictures that had been taken from the internet and just text added with paint over it, not a great effect. The character creation was alright, though buggy. When you made your guy he popped out in the middle of the screen right over text. And I could tell from the start, the game was laggin!

Gameplay: 4/10
When I finished my character creation I started out in leaf village, the first thing I saw was a spawn base with like 6 afk people there(So im guessing afk killing is aloud). When I walked into the main building I saw 3 guys who had kyuubi on, and one guy flew past me with cursed seal im guessing. Thats not a good element in the game if people can get those types of moves that fast. Now I could tell the server was lagging. The stat bars were filled of non-sense of verbs, it wasnt very organized either. And the start command had moves that I didnt even have yet to show how many times I did them! The combat looked alright though was too laggy to try. And I can tell that most of the code was not original. The genin exam was of questions only people who watch naruto would get, so if someone came on who didnt, they were screwed.

Graphics: 1/10
As before the starting graphics weren't good. And most all of the graphics were taken from other games and editted, or not editted at all. The graphics that were original weren't in a very good quality, usually using 3 colors at max with a not good effect. The game really looked like they tried to put it together as fast as possible with only 1 staff member.

Originality: 1/10
As said before, most code and graphics were ripped from other byond games. It did have some originality into its handseal design, where you have to grab the handseals from people to actually learn the jutsus, but that was nearly it.
Overall: 2/10