Ok, the question is simple, what would you do and how would you react in the following two situations?

First of all the setting is thousands of years in the future. Technology is much more advanced than it is now, things like robots (both giant piloted robots, and small automatic robots), mutants, laser guns, space ships and lightsabers are not an uncommon sight. That is all you really need to know.

Now, for the first situation imagine this. You are there minding your own business, doing whatever it is you always do (working, school, sitting on your computer) and suddenly ALIENS INVADE. These aliens aren't too smart, nor do they have a high level of technology, but they are fast and strong and can rip a person to pieces in seconds, that and they attack in swarms (100 to every person at least).
What would you do (assuming you don't get killed instantly and don't start crapping yourself)? Now lets say, you don't have access to a great deal of weaponry initially (you might scavange something off a soldiers corpse), maybe some sort of laser gun and/or a prized dueling lightsaber, other than that you have access to makeshift weapons, such as DIY tools, metal bars/poles and other objects (such as a table leg). Remember though, objects that might not necessarily be a "weapon" can stll be used to hurt things (setting things on fire, dropping heavy things out of windows/down stairs and so on). Also remember that this is a futuristic setting, you might have the skill to hack computers and gain access to things that can lock down areas, access security cameras or even take control of robots (if you are skilled enough the sky is the limit!). There also might be other people around that you can work with as well (this depends on where you are, but there probably is at least a few people around to help you).

Now, the second situation is a bit different. You somehow survived the alien invasion, and so did a group of other people (lets say 32 people including you). You wound up somewhere relatively safe, a spaceship in outerspace, or an underground facility (deep underground), it doesn't matter too much, the only important thing is that the aliens wont be getting to you anytime soon. However, one of the people in the group was infected by the aliens (might even be you who was infected) and before long will turn into a massive, vicious alien that will kill everyone else. But only the infected person knows who he is.
The infected person will try to survive, but so will everyone else. You can't go and just kill everyone because it will probably get you killed yourself, but you can't just let everyone else do as they please. You have to act suspicious without drawing suspicion to yourself, especially if you are infected. If you want to kill other people you either need a good reason (suspecting they were the infected), or make use of cunning by killing them when they are alone, or using some intricately designed trap.
In short, the infected has to kill everyone else without letting people know who he is, and everyone else has to find out who the infected person is and kill him without mindlessly slaughtering everyone else.
Remember, you have access to similar weapons, maybe even more you picked up along the way. The same sort of equipment (you could use security cameras to pick off your next victim, or to keep track of everyone else, you could maybe turn off the electricity in the area to disable all security systems and lights, making it easier to kill people and so on), the use of mind games would also be a massive help as you could trick people into killing innocent people to do your dirty work.
Also, the infected person has access to a few alien abilities, mainly increased strength and speed and better regenerative abilities. He might also be able to see in the dark, or have a layer of protective armor underneight his skin/around his vital organs or he might even be able to infect other people!

Anyway, in those two situations what would you do and how would you react?
And, those situations are not fixed. In the first one you could be anyone, from a person at school to a soldier in an army, you decide. But remember that depending on your situation you will have access to different things.
For the second situation the location you are will play a major factor on what you can do. In a secret underground research facility you could have access to all sorts of nasty traps, in an army base you might have access to all kinds of high tech and powerful weaponry (could be fights over who has access to said weaponry), and in a spaceship you might have to play it careful, you couldn't go around disabling systems and blowing stuff up because the spaceship could stop working, or even be destroyed in the process.
For the first one....


Aliens defeated.

For the second one..

I'd use Nachos. Everyone knows infected alien-humans love nachos.
For the first one, I'd probably charge mah lazer too. For the second one, It's pretty obvious that if you separate from the main group they'll suspect you. There would have to be some sort of window of oppurtunity where people would get the chance to depart the group. (ie turning the power back on or rebooting something to save energy) I suppose I would separate them by making noises...throwing stones or something to make a clinking sound far away...Then leave when they werent looking, maybe go up in the air shaft like in the movie alien, and screw up everything in some main power room, then kill them off as they come looking for it.
IcewarriorX wrote:
For the first one, I'd probably charge mah lazer too. For the second one, It's pretty obvious that if you separate from the main group they'll suspect you. There would have to be some sort of window of oppurtunity where people would get the chance to depart the group. (ie turning the power back on or rebooting something to save energy) I suppose I would separate them by making noises...throwing stones or something to make a clinking sound far away...Then leave when they werent looking, maybe go up in the air shaft like in the movie alien, and screw up everything in some main power room, then kill them off as they come looking for it.

Only only problem with charging your lazer. Chances are you don't have one!
Besides, this is a futuristic setting, if they can make laser guns they can probably make bigger things. Personally I would walk around with something with a bit more meat on it, like a Hyper Destructor Pulse Cannon, which can destroy an entire city with a single shot!

As for the second question. That would work, but how would you kill the people? Just magically make them dead?
What I am looking for is methods of finding who is who. The infected person could put the blame on other people, and make them kill each other, do as you said and pick people off one by one, lay an intricate trap that involves triggering explosions when people enter places, or maybe just poisoning the food he is serving to people.
But how do people find out who the infected is? Maybe they take everyones finger prints and a blood sample. Then when something suspicious happens they can check for finger prints and blood and point the finger at a person. Or maybe they have some sort of system set up where several people guard the cache of weapons/tools and so on, and then when someone wants to use one they log the reason for using it, when they used it from until they returned it. If only one person has a laser gun between 1 and 3Pm and someone dies by laser inbetween that time it is pretty easy to figure out what happened.

I am looking for things like that. Provided you don't invent some technology that instantly tells you who is who you can make up any strange system you want.
Maybe the infected will eventually grow insize and turn into a fully grown alien, knowing this someone invented bomb collars, that when worn cannot be removed without a key/password. The collar explodes when people try to forcefully remove it, and a person growing into a big alien would simulate this and trigger the collar. It might not pinpoint exactly who the alien is, but given time it will (and will also kill the alien).
Normal humans in such a situation would simply have to survive, but the infected person would have to find a way of disarming the bomb and have to kill everyone else.
Or maybe the infected person made the collars, and rigged them with a timer or a way of remotely triggering them, and will make them all explode after a short while.

Those are the sort of things I am looking for.
I'd post moronic, pointless hypotheticals on my blog.
You should post them on my blog! Because that is exactly what I am asking for!