This is a review of Megaman Wars brought to you by Dixon and HolyDoomKnight.
Gameplay: Pretty fun, very user friendly. Only thing I can see wrong with this is some unbalanced characters. As far as I know, the game is no longer being worked on. The controls are easy to understand, and it has an in-game help menu to show new players how to control the characters. (8/10)
Presentation: Very well done, only one known song in the game. Managers and Admins have the ability to play new songs, which will set as the new default song until the world is restarted. There's an absence of actual sound effects in the game, but it's not that big of a deal. (8/10)
Originality: The game concept is totally original, but the graphics (Save a few characters) are all from the official Mega Man games. There are a few custom made characters, but the majority is from the actual games. (6/10)
Overall: Very well put together, other than absence of sound effects and originality in characters. I recommend playing this game to anybody who's interested in either Mega Man or fighting games in general. Moderation of the game is very well done. There aren't any abusive moderators that I know of. (7/10)
This is the first of many reviews that will be done.
![]() Feb 21 2008, 4:03 pm
Kind of vague, you could of talked about Multi player and how the game is played(unlocking characters and such). Also could of talked about the stage originality and if they're unique or alike. Pretty good review though, just needs a bit more detail(just in case someone never played it.)
Gameplay could probably be lower.
There are dominant characters that most people choose. Its "fighting" system isn't interesting, and the move system is repetitive. It doesnt feel like any of the characters have difference other than their icon. |
I dissagree with Rugg down there because there is a big differance in the charecters, even tho thers probably a same base for most of them they each have differant moves and differant movements
I'll chime in with my two cents.
(As a note, this is a response to Rugg's issue. I just noticed I never specified that) The characters are, for the most part, very different. Very few characters have an identical character to them. They all do different damage, attack at different speeds, attack with different methods, move at different speeds, some can fly, some can move by turning invisible. The character you pick makes a world of a difference. There are characters who would be concidered dominate, but most of those are only attainable by the Admins who don't play save for an event or two once in a while. Xeron would probably be the only dominate character that is possible to attain. Even with Xeron, a lot of people choose to use other characters. Your post makes it seem like there are two characters that everyone uses, and if you don't use them, you lose. In a given day, you will see people use and win with: Shadow Armor X, Duo, Omega, Any form of Zero, Xeron, Commander X, Tenguman, Colonel, Dynamo, Weil, Vile, Blaze Heatnix, Phantom, Shadowman Classic, Model S, Sigma, Mettuar, Protoman*, Shield Shelldon, and the list could go on. *Protoman in the idea of being used by people with many characters unlocked, not by a new person who just started. So yeah, that turned out to be my 2 dollars, not 2 cents. Either way, I got my point across haha. Your loving Manager, -Wraith Lilith |
In light of this, I decided to make my very own review, I hope you don't mind if I use your setup somewhat.
Now, for all the guys who adore this game for some reason, I'll just warn you now not to read it. This should only be read by the unbiased. Gameplay: The concept is nice but the execution is quite lacking, controls are quite simple as stated before. However, it becomes overly repetitive before long as you kill player after player in a dreadful monotony of shoot till you die style gaming. Eventually, you unlock new characters granted you can meet the ridiculous requirements to do so. Aside from that, many of the characters are very overpowered yet the owners do nothing to balance it out. So when if comes down to it you could be one of the better players and easily get killed by a less skilled player with Sigma. This puts a serious strain on newcomers who are forced to use lesser characters to attempt that slow and unforgiving climb up the ladder to better characters. Game play should involve skill there should not be a way to substitute it with cheap unlockables. There are no reasonable delay on shots either so the game quickly degenerates to jumping and hammering the fire button to spray and inescapable wall of bullets that will hopefully hit your victim. Ugh, anyways enough about this topic.(1/10) Presentation: Could be better, The is rather bland with a title screen full of black and a picture of X and Zero Clashing for some reason and the character select is all black with little icons to click to pick who you want. The music is always the same as mentioned and sometimes the Admins load up songs that sometimes cause more lag. Or songs that are annoying, of course since sound is trivial in this game you can turn off the sound in preferences. The graphics as mentioned, are simply ripped sprites from the actual series. Some of which being well implemented, while other could use some work.(4/10) Originality: The concept is somewhat of a spin on Super Smash brothers if you look at it and the graphics are not original at all. If more characters were customized then this might grab a higher rating. (2/10) Community: Most of the people who play this game (Both admin and players) are idiots. Usually they seem to be little kids who decide to spam messages or complain and call you a runner or try to accuse you of "hiding in the spawn point" because the owners put in some overly complicated and rather worthless system to deal with spawn killing. Which causes a kill while in the spawn area to Take away points which took the player about 3 hours of playing to earn ( it takes away about 20 or so.) Instead of making players in the spawn point invulnerable to fire yet unable to fire back and allowing players to pass through them while they are in the zone to avoid trapping like we all know they could. Of course, then there's Dixon who made the game and is a pompous bigot with a god complex. So join in players if you want a community more annoying than Tibia and Maplestory combined. (-10/10) Overall: Terrible, maybe if a few of the people got together and did an overhaul on the system which couldn't be too hard to do since all they would need to do is take the data they already have and simply tweak it to work out the kinks, as well as find some way to make the community more mellow then this might just make a great game. However, until that happens this will just be another game destined to be overlooked by all. (-3/10) [Yes, I counted the -10.] Thank you. |
I've only been playing the game a couple days but I must say its probably my favorite Byond game. there are some negatives for example the problems with first starting out it gets kinda complicated because everyone seems to have huge characters compared to your starting character choices. But once you get some more characters it begins to be even more fun. I personally dont like when people miscellaneously shoot down hallways it gets on my nerves but there are a few characters that are really good against that by putting up reflective shields causing CHAOS to them WHAHAHA *Cough cough*. I digress I have to give the makers of this game props. There are a lot of good qualities to this game for example the amount of characters you get to use and the differences in them. for example some characters are much faster than others but some are stronger than others, and some fly but some can dodge vary well. Just felt like putting my thoughts out there, Hope to see you all in the game ^_^.
RoarTuya wrote:
Ehhh..I say..Worst Ever...Boring..asssssssssssssssssssss |
its awesome game,sometimes i wish other chars besides Megaman chars is in there lol
i think this games pretty cool it'd be much better if it didnt have to be hosted 1 day then offline for next 2 months...
this game is very fun overall but i don't like the fact that it can take like a month to get a new character....
It is very hard to play this game. Espeacially when I just started. I was killed pretty wuickly by Sigma and bass. But its really fun and I cant stop playing!