First to start off, When looking at the Hub index you see "We are i need of professional iconners and map iconners/ and 24/7 host " personally I think, if you're looking for help don't post that you need help go seek it out on the BYOND Forum. Second thing is the ranks and how to get them, I think this is useless putting in a Hub because not a lot of people read it, they go straight to the game. Then there are Rules both for admin and players. I would also find this usefull in the game, under help option.
Login System:
The Login Screen is to die for, Its nice and clear to read, not made in paint. The Login System itself is however ripped from my game, it seems they took my source from an unreliable person. Other then that the Login System nice, except the fact their system can be easily abused by morons, or people that wish to spam their game.
Overall Score: 5/10
The icons such as some grass and dirt icons are good, I was somewhat impressed at the building icons they seem nice, but they are indeed ripped. The bases are also ripped but those bases are so common I grew used to them. Their NPC icons are different, which is good, Except their NPCs that fight you and ect...
Overall Score: 3/10
Admins and Community:
The admins are not as responsive as the community is. Most admins ignore your questions and talk to their friends, which means theres no point for them getting admin in the first place. The community is nice, they answer basic questions that they know, and if they don't know they try to find out for you.
Overall Score: 6/10
Game Play and Skill System:
Game play is very similar to NBOTLS, which makes it good for some people but bad for people that want something different. The Skill System is 100% the same as NBOTLS is. If you liked NBOTLS system you'll love this games system. Also most of the jutsus and skills didn't work as they were soposed to. And arena challenges are available for everyone, it would be nice if there was a disable challenges. And there is a problem with the spawn area, when you are there you can be killed, so after you were in combat you can die again, and again.
Overall Score: 1/10
The game has a few features that may amaze you, Game has a nice browser that explains training methods that help a lot, also as an Update verb that is nice, if players want to know what the updates are. Also has a nice Online GMs verb so players know if an admin is on so they can ask them for help. Nice laid out Who Verb that is very clear. This all doesn't count as much because it all ripped from my game, but it will boost it up a little.
Overall Score: 3/10
There are not as many ways of training as I thought there were going to be. You have Gen, Tai, and Nin logs, and 2 other different types of logs. Yeah thats fun kicking and EZ Macroing kicking log. Another way is meditating and using various jutsus, which can easily be AFK Macroed.
Overall Score: 4/10
Other Snippets:
The owner claims his game is completely original...
All GMS have been edited, most go on killing sprees for fun, abuse huh.
Ban System is ineffective because people can/will spam their game because they're pissed.
Mute System needs a timer, player complained he was muted for 6 hours.
Stat Panel was stolen, most of the verbs/systems is ripped off other games.
Adding an Interface might bring it a little higher rank, but since there is none it will remain the same.
There are more bugs in that game then there are in the world...
Most verbs, such as Server Info, do not work at all.
Total Score: 22/60 (36.6%) F
In conclusion if you like NBOTLS, you'll feel right at home.
![]() Feb 19 2008, 7:44 pm
![]() Feb 19 2008, 7:47 pm
-cough-aripisathand-cough- The games decent, and 22/60 >_>; i dont think your giving it enough credit.
not to be criticizing you. great job but its not "ect" its "etc". anyway nice job with the review.
Chibi-Gohan0 wrote:
not to be criticizing you. great job but its not "ect" its "etc". anyway nice job with the review. Woah... really... wow. I've been spelling it wrong for 10 years >.< |
side note, its funny how you dont use your spell check on your fire fox, Ninja! hehe
IcewarriorX wrote:
Should you be giving third gen rips this kindof attention... Yeah, actually it points out to the people who actually play how bad the game actually is, imo anyway.. |
Chibi-Gohan0 wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote: Agreed, the rip owners and rip players half the time dont even know that the game sucks as bad as it does! you need to review it. |
Masterdan wrote:
Chibi-Gohan0 wrote: Agreed all games deserve a review, good or bad, rip or original. |
You really should get some proof reading for these reviews. Maybe Masterdan could create a forum for reviewers to post their reviews for scrutiny before they're officially posted?
Anyways I do use my spell check, just didn't know it was "etc" instead of ect.. made more sense to me, but I appreciate you correcting me. And I thank everyone for the comments, in the future if you wish to criticize me go right ahead because this is not only a review it is my opinion of what the game is to me, and I was very observant.
On a side note, Jose is absolutely right every game should be reviewed, even if it is a rip. The owners deserve to know how the game is through the players mind, and in fact improve the little things that are wrong and fix the problems with it. Also Hope in time Masterdan can review my game, I'm prepared to take the blow. |
i get the feeling that there should be some sort of uniform template for reviewing games. the point of reviews is to have an as unbiased as possible source of opinions on games. granted, they will always be just opinions, but a little uniformality will go a long way.
take this review for instance, the login system itself is given a score out of a possible ten. this makes this part of the game, which is a relatively small part, worth a sixth of the game's total score. i hardly think it should be given that much weight. by forcing all reviewers to touch base on the same aspects of the game, it does help take out some bias as well. there's a reason why all professional game review sites have uniform review templates. |
Propaganda wrote:
i get the feeling that there should be some sort of uniform template for reviewing games. the point of reviews is to have an as unbiased as possible source of opinions on games. granted, they will always be just opinions, but a little uniformality will go a long way. Seconded, All in favor please say I. I |
Ive actually already written up al review template and sent it to Tom. Its only a matter of time before it gets implemented.