Though I would say Cloverfield is the most intense craziest movie ever, Across The Universe has to be hands down the BEST movie ever. They did an excelent job at re-doing the beatles songs, but its hard to re-do perfection. I think there best song, and one of the Beatles is Hey Jude(Link below). They did a crazy good job with this, tying it to the story perfectly and they got the founder from stomp in it too hitting garbage cans to the beat. And the vocals are near perfect, and Max sings it with his face expressions he's like almost saying it, giving it an emotional/inspirational feeling to it. Also visually great during some of my favorite songs including; I Am The Walrus, Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds... It covers most all Beatles best hits and re-does some perfectly into the story such as; Hey Jude, Revolution, I've Just Seen A Face, All My Loving... Though there were songs that were a disappointment including; Let It Be... But overall it was a great movie and had very great actors singing some great songs; Joe Crocker: Come Together, Eddie Izzard: Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite... And the main characters in the movies all had secret roles, and were supposed to look/act like people from the 60's/70's, Jude=Paul McCartny, JoJo=Jimi Hendrix, U2's Main Singer=Ringo Star, Prudince=Yoko Ono... I seriously suggest buying this DVD and the CD for it, I already have, or check it out on youtube. And well as I promised here is the most a famed and greatly made song.
Hey Jude -
![]() Feb 18 2008, 2:56 pm
It was so good Baka. Its like my favorite movie.
Hey! I saw your NBotLS review, and ive got to say something. 1. NBotLS was the FIRST naruto game like that, the others are rips, so you cant call it a rip. 2. the servers are only laggy considering who hosts, as well as how many people are online. I also believe the random events play some role in lag. Also, its not like they got those demons and cursed seal early, the acadamy is a common "station" for all players. they couldve been playing for a while and you just saw them once. 1 more thing, before you go ranting on someone's graphics and quality, you should consider the age, as well as the stuff the game was made with. no matter how hard you try, your not going to get 2 ft. of steel with 1 ft of iron. All im going to say is, if your going to rate a game, rate it fairly, and dont just say 1 time is enough, you learn to like games, its not instant
Lugia319 wrote:
Hey! I saw your NBotLS review, and ive got to say something. 1. NBotLS was the FIRST naruto game like that, the others are rips, so you cant call it a rip. 2. the servers are only laggy considering who hosts, as well as how many people are online. I also believe the random events play some role in lag. Also, its not like they got those demons and cursed seal early, the acadamy is a common "station" for all players. they couldve been playing for a while and you just saw them once. 1 more thing, before you go ranting on someone's graphics and quality, you should consider the age, as well as the stuff the game was made with. no matter how hard you try, your not going to get 2 ft. of steel with 1 ft of iron. All im going to say is, if your going to rate a game, rate it fairly, and dont just say 1 time is enough, you learn to like games, its not instant 1. This is NOT the nbotls review and it has its own comment section. 2. Nbotls is NOT the first naruto game on byond. GOA had its first *pilot* code made (and a hub exists to prove this) in 2003 but was scrapped and started again in summer 2007. 3. Nbotls is a direct rip of WOTS and Goditz has admitted this many times, not to mention the fact that the source released had file names that were I mean really. 4. The review was fair, its true and whats better baka gave the game some credit which is important when its that popular. |
This is totally not the place to be talking about that, and ya MasterDan is right, its a rip from NWOTS. Get your facts straight before YOU rant sorry, and if you really want to talk about this make a comment on my review, or a topic in the right forums.