Indeedth I will!

I doubt anyone will read this, but if you do and you don't say anything I WILL PUNCH YOU.

Anyway! I am in the process of making a survival horror type game. I have a decent amount of work done, and am just finishing off the core elements of the game.
In short it is ALIEN INVASION RUN FOR THE HILLS type of game and it based in a distant future.
The gameplay is relatively simple, you use the arrow keys to move, pressing up walks forwards, back walks backwards, left and right turn left/right (you only turn, not walk in that direction) and on the numpad 7 and 9 strafe.
A will pick up items, S will attack (with a gun this will automatically lock onto a target and reload the gun if needed), Q reloads, Z locks onto a target (the closest, clicking a target also locks onto it), X loses a target, W pushes objects, E pulls them R lets you jump over them. Most other objects and items can be interacted with by clicking/double clicking on them.
There will be several modes of play, including...
Survival - Which is surviving for a set amount of time.
No Hope - Which is survival mode with no time limit, you simply survive as long as possible.
Extermination - Which is as it says, you have to kill all aliens without dying.
Territory - Where you have to take and hold ground against the alien armies.
MVP Mode - Where you have to protect a certain player for a set amount of time.
Traitor Mode - Where a person (or persons) is randomly picked and has to secretly dispose of all other players without being found out (and if they are then without being killed).
One feature I am trying to add is very interactive levels, any object that is not stuck to the floor and be dragged around and used as a barricade (different objects have different uses, small barricades wont stop large aliens as they can walk over them, and barricades like bars will stop large aliens, but small ones will be able to squeeze through them). All objects can be damaged and broken.
Another thing I am trying to do is when certain objects are broken they will have other effects that just breaking, breaking down a security door will set off it's alarms and maybe even some sort of protection (such as automatic droids), breaking a barrel full of a liquid will cause the liquid to spill all over the place, that liquid can then be used depending on what it is (at the moment there is only oil, which can be ignited and some sort of acid liquid, which will damage anything that walks in it).
Other things around each level will also be interactive, for example you will be able to go to control panels and do things such as activate, disactivate or even hack into security systems, look through cameras, lock/unlock doors and windows, turn lights on and off (game has dynamic lighting, which can be used to hide in) and so on. I eventually intend on adding interactivity that can be used to make up intricate traps, such as rigging up a system that will lock down a room and fill it up with poisonous gas through the air ducts and so on. (These features will help in most modes, but will be designed more to help with traitor mode)

Another thing I intend on adding it a lot of weapons and tools. As I previously said, objects can be broken, and from those broken parts it might be possible to make use of them as a weapon. Such as breaking a chair/table and using one of it's legs as a weapon.
Obviously though, since the setting of the game is futuristic I want to add a lot of different weapons with weird and wonderful (but believeable effects).
At the moment I have only finished with the guns in the game, which include.

Ballistic weapons - These include pistols, shotguns, rifles/sniper rifles, sub-machine and machine guns and so on. Though not as powerful as other weapons they are easily accessible and ammo for them is abundant (they use a solid slug of metal as ammo, of which an onboard computer in the gun calculates how much of that metal slug is needed to form a bullet, which is then extracted from the metal slug and fired, as such any lump of metal that can fit in the magazine slot of the gun can effectively be used as ammo).
Laser based weapons - Includes pistols, rifles, automatic rifles and a powerful laser cannon. The general feature of lasers it that they have above average accuracy, the laser fired out is not effected by it's environment nor does it generate much recoil, as such the laser will hit exactly where it is pointed. All laser weaponry is powered by battries, such are somewhat common, especially around automated droids (which also make use of them).
Plasma Weapons - Plasma weapons are generally large and meaty, they have low ammo capacities and only average accuracy however. Plasma weapons are probably the most powerful type of weaponry currently in the game, the Plasma Annihilator is capable of blowing a hole clean through just about anything, but is massive and hard to carry, and is a single shot weapon. All Plasma weapons use Ionized Cells as ammo.
Fusion Weapons - Including pistols, rifles and cannons. Fusion weapons are another horribly powerful type of weaponry, they generate intense heat at their targeted location, as such they have excellent accuracy. However, they are also prone to overheating very rapidly and cannot be fired at a fast rate. All fusion weapons make use of U235 Cells as ammo.
Disruptor Weapons - Including pistols, rifles and automatic rifles. Disruptor rifles fire out compressed waves of force, at short ranges this wave of force can knock enemies over and even send smaller ones flying but as the force wave travels it loses energy and at very long ranges it is more like a gentle breeze than a deadly wave of force. Disruptor weapons are excellent at holding off enemies at close range, but lack any real deadly force and are subject to the Newtons third law "For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.", in other words, they shoot out powerful force waves, but are subject to horrible recoil (a lot of the energy is dissapated through their recoil dampers, but not all of it), so firing one at a fast rate makes it very hard to aim with any sort of accuracy!
Gyrojet weaponry - Includes pistols, rifles and submachine guns. Gyrojet weaponry fires out what is basically very small rockets, the rockets come in a massive variety of ammo, from standard lumps of metal, explosive rockets, rockets filled with things such as poisons, acids or highly flammable liquids, to rockets that explode and send out lots of shrapnel or rockets that carry a one time only electrical shock. As such Gyroject weaponry is very varied in it's uses, but this means ammo for it is expensive to produce (and expensive to buy). There is also special weaponry, which includes several grenade and rocket launchers (capable of firing different types of rockets and some are even capable of choosing how many rockets to fire at once), a needle gun (fires out small armor piercing needles that do practically no damage, but like a Gyrojet gun come in a large variety of ammo, some even capable of injecting pain killers and restorative medicine to heal allies!) and a web gun, which fires out very sticky webbing to disable enemies for a short time.

Those are the current guns in the game. I will also be adding melee weapons, grenades and other weapons such as mines and traps too.
I also intend on adding armor, tools (such as torches which allow you to see in dark areas, or tools that make hacking easier) and obligatory healing items.

Now, at the moment the aliens in the game are relatively simplistic in nature. They share a hivemind with a single queen, this queen basically controls the rest of the aliens. The aliens outside of the queen possess only very basic intellect, they are capable of telling friend from foe and that is about all. They are unable to make use of any sort of technology.
The aliens have a general insect like appearance, but their appearance varies widely from alien to alien,to the point where each type of alien it but into a specific class.
Queens - Queens are massive aliens and usually unique (only one per game). They are perhaps the strongest and most powerful of all aliens, they are large, powerful, fast and hard to kill. They look like large mantises only with much larger more bulbous abdomen, which is used for egg laying.
Rippers - These are the smallest of the aliens, they look like a cross between a scorpion and a lobster and are about 1ft in size. They are very small and quick moving and are armed with very strong, razor sharp legs which they use to literally hug their enemies to death.
Warriors - Are primarily designed for combat. They are about human size and resemble a cross between what can be best describled as a stag beetle and a gorrila (look similar to a stag beetle, with the posture and movements of a gorrila). They move fast, hit hard and can take a beating. In large numbers they are very deadly.
Rhinos - These are massive (upto 20ft in size) aliens that simply look like some sort of giant woodlouse. They move slow and lack any real offensive capabilities, but are very durable and hard to kill. They make use of this ability by being transportation for smaller aliens, and can house around 20-30 Rippers in their body.
Wraiths - These are the only aliens capable of flight. As such they are vary rapid movers and have small bodies. They resemble giant flies, and possess to natural weapons. They are however capable of spitting out their own blood, which is a highly corrosive and toxic liquid, but overuse of this ability can be fatal to them. In general wraiths are used as scouts rather than as soldiers.
Eggs - All aliens are born from eggs laid by the queen. No one can be sure of what each egg contains, so it is best to destroy them before they have a chance to hatch into anything dangerous.

That is more or less all I have for now. If you've been reading then your mission is simple.
Give me IDEAS. What sorts of game types would you want to see? What sort of levels would you want to play on? What sort of weapons/items do you think would be fun to use? And what sort of aliens do you think would be cool to fight against?
Post now with something, or get punched >:[ And you should know that I am English, which means I was born with the ability to punch any person through any wall, no exceptions.
I started skimming after finding the post format a bit hard to read. Do I still get punched?

Good luck on the game. =)