This post will focus on a small portion of the new interface along with new features included with them - alerts.
Alerts are a very important part of the game. They're used as a method to communicate between players and the game to get responses from the player and/or just alert them of information in general.
There are multiple parts to the new alert system. The small message letting the player know about a new alert, the alert box for alerts that don't require immediate attention, the alert box for alerts that do require immediate attention, and the list of alerts themselves.
This post will go through the process of the alerts and show screenshots of how it all looks in-game.
When a player gets a new alert, a message will display in the top right corner of the screen and will flash. If the player is not currently viewing the alerts list, the alerts tab will flash as well.
When viewing the alerts list, alerts that have not been opened yet will flash and alerts that have expired will be blacked out.
An alert box will display in the top right corner of the screen when a user has opened the alert or when an automatically opened alert of some importance is given to the player.
Some alerts require immediate attention from the player and have to be dealt with before they can do anything else.
That's it for alerts. Check back in later as we take an in depth look at other new interfaces and features coming with Teridal's new update.