A very interesting eBay auction popped up this week: 14695213

I will personally donate 10 free BYOND Memberships (for you and all your hippie friends) to the winning bidder if you can get a giant BYOND logo painted on the side of the Hippie Bus.
I can't stand hippies. Damn tree huggers.
rofl. That auction is awesome. =)
Arrg! My suggestions never get listened to :( So I shall annoy you!

Linkage! BYOND?command=view_comments&post=3927

Clicky Clicky!
Damn straight, popisfizzy. Dem tree hugging' libral bastards... eh, wtf.

Oops, meant to say: you're a f*cking dipsh1t, popisfizzy.
This has got to be the biggest joke in the history in forever, the stuff this guy has done has got to be staged.