4K Challenge
Deadline :
11:59:59 April 10 GMT-6
- All projects must be designed in 4.0, with at least minor changes to the interface
- Total size of .dm files must be no greater than 4096 bytes. (In Windows you can check the precise size of a file by right-clicking it and choosing "Properties".)
- The .dme file may not contain any code beyond that which is automatically generated by Dream Maker.
- Resources may be in a .rsc file, but the source code (.dm files and .dme file) must be included.
- You don't need to include a .dmb file, because the project must be compilable from the files you do include. (Your game can't just copy a huge pre-made .dmb file over the compiled one and reboot!)
- Because of the code size limitation, judging will not penalize for uncommented or ugly code. Gameplay, presentation, and robustness (i.e., buglessness) are the key criteria.
- Grand Prize winner receives $20.
- Two Runner-Ups receive $10.
- A panel of judges will evaluate the submissions, possibly but not necessarily hosting multiplayer games for public access.
- You may submit multiple entries.
- Judging won't start until after the deadline, so if you submit a project and then make improvements before the deadline, you may re-submit it. (In your email, please mention that it should supersede the previous submission.)
- The 4K limit only applies to source code. You can have data pre-stored in savefiles or wherever else you like.
- For this contest, entries must be games, since gameplay (along with presentation and robustness) will be the primary criterion for judging.
- Windows' Properties panel will give you two "size" numbers for the file. We're just concerned with "Size". You can ignore "Size on Disk".
- Storylines must be original. Meaning no fangames or other copyrighted works. Parodies of copyrighted works are acceptable though.
- The size of the interface files do not count towards the 4K limit, so use this to your advantage if you can
- All executable logic in the game must be DM code compiled from the source files you provide. (No calls to external libraries.
How to Enter
Mail your entry to [email protected]