
4K Challenge

Deadline : 11:59:59 March 31 GMT-6
11:59:59 April 10 GMT-6


  • All projects must be designed in 4.0, with at least minor changes to the interface
  • Total size of .dm files must be no greater than 4096 bytes. (In Windows you can check the precise size of a file by right-clicking it and choosing "Properties".)
  • The .dme file may not contain any code beyond that which is automatically generated by Dream Maker.
  • Resources may be in a .rsc file, but the source code (.dm files and .dme file) must be included.
  • You don't need to include a .dmb file, because the project must be compilable from the files you do include. (Your game can't just copy a huge pre-made .dmb file over the compiled one and reboot!)
  • Because of the code size limitation, judging will not penalize for uncommented or ugly code. Gameplay, presentation, and robustness (i.e., buglessness) are the key criteria.
  • Grand Prize winner receives $20.
  • Two Runner-Ups receive $10.
  • A panel of judges will evaluate the submissions, possibly but not necessarily hosting multiplayer games for public access.
  • You may submit multiple entries.
  • Judging won't start until after the deadline, so if you submit a project and then make improvements before the deadline, you may re-submit it. (In your email, please mention that it should supersede the previous submission.)
  • The 4K limit only applies to source code. You can have data pre-stored in savefiles or wherever else you like.
  • For this contest, entries must be games, since gameplay (along with presentation and robustness) will be the primary criterion for judging.
  • Windows' Properties panel will give you two "size" numbers for the file. We're just concerned with "Size". You can ignore "Size on Disk".
  • Storylines must be original. Meaning no fangames or other copyrighted works. Parodies of copyrighted works are acceptable though.
  • The size of the interface files do not count towards the 4K limit, so use this to your advantage if you can
  • All executable logic in the game must be DM code compiled from the source files you provide. (No calls to external libraries.

How to Enter

Mail your entry to [email protected]
Is there a particular theme or can we just do it about whatever we want?
There is no theme. As long as it's a game and it's under 4K, you are pretty much open in how you decide to do it.
Definitely gonna check this one out.
Your font is too small and the starkness of this page is killing me.

Also, "copywrite" is not a word.
Lummox JR wrote:
Your font is too small and the starkness of this page is killing me.

Eh, sorry, I'll work on fixing that.

Also, "copywrite" is not a word.

Firefox says it is <_< Meh. Either Firefox is wrong, or my sister has been messing with things she shouldn't again v.v ((She doesn't like using spellcheck, so any time she sees a word with a red squiggle she'll add it to the dictionary >.<))
Fixed in the post ^.^ Thanks LJR
Jamesburrow, press ctrl+0. The text is pretty small right now.
No external libraries? What about external libraries you created yourself? :P libraries count towards the 4k limit?
Official published libraries is a harder distinction to make since the site change, since there's now no way to view the DM.Libraries channel. Perhaps you should amend that to say the library must be listed in Dream Makers' resources.
Dangnabbit site changes. I hadn't noticed that yet <_<

Fine, let's go with what LJR said ^.^
[Amendment things]
Libraries found in Dream Maker's resources are allowed to be used in the game, and do not count to the 4K limit

What the hell? That wasn't part of the rules when the contest started. I based half of my source around not using the pathfinding library.

This is BS!
Same here, like half the contest time has gone and you're suddenly changing the rules. Seems a bit unfair for those who got their entries finished (but not submitted) early.
.< I really should have read through every single rule than relying off what I remembered from the 05 challenge. You know what? Yall are right. No more amendment thingy :P
K i'm finished, where do I turn it in, and is it just the .dm files that count towards the 4k limit?