The equation is simple guys...

Dogs name + Street you live on = Your porno name.

Some of you might be surprised at what you come up with.

Porno Name Hall of Fame

Kamaro Uchiha: Stiff Redwood
Legendary Goku 10: Princess Magnolia
Teka123: Rocky Beechmount
Tom: Baron Von Fernwood
Maggeh: Doc Newcomen
Jeff8500: Dash Greenfield
KershiVelix: Jimmy Jessica

(More soon to be added)
The best ones will be listed under the post. P.S. Spike Oakridge
Max Broad?
Reno 911
There was an episode where one of the cops wondered how people from TV get cool names. The black cop replied by saying..."It's the name of your pet, and the street name you lived on as a kid"

Yeah, it's probably been on alot of stuff, old saying. I saw it on a comedy special a while back. *anyways, keep em coming.
lmao Princess Magnolia
Mannz Avenue F? >_>
Pixel Weidekampsgade?

uh... no, don't think the porn idustry would go for that.
I don't have a dog, so I guess I'd just be

Or 32nd Avenue, depending on how you look at it.

But your mother seems to trek that stretch of track frequently.
Lol. mine would be

Jimmy Jessica
Baron Von Fernwood.

I win.
Doc Newcomen

Mines not that good =(
Dash Greenfield

The street name messes it up >_>
Snow Thrush <----- My Porno name.
Spud Hill

Daisy Turner...
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