Mass Effect is one of the most well-written games I have ever played. It's a very good and very fun game, and anyone with a 360 that is into sci-fi and likes more than a murderous kill fest should pick it up.
and i heer thur is sex in it!!!


:) it does look incredible though.
Yeah. I can't wait until Mass Effect 2. What I like about the dialog choices in Mass Effect is that they're good cop/bad cop, not good/evil. You come out of the story as a hero no matter what, it's just a matter of what sort of hero.
Bad cop > good cop.

After playing through it twice as a paragon I found renegade to be so much better.
I just play it as what I think is the best option for the situation.
I <3 ME
It was really good, but it didn't have much content that was actually interesting. I hope ME2 will drop all the UCWs and add another Noveria or two.