Mitadake High

by Devourer Of Souls
Mitadake High
Anime, horror, survival, mystery, murder, intrigue! All rolled into one little school. Ain't it fun?
Its an awesome game
9/10 perfect game, but lacking in rule enforcement
Vash3000 wrote:
i would give it a 9/10 y? because the game was overall great the suspense the death note thing was really a great mode to add but may i ask y? no music when u are playing IN Game?

Survive through one of the modes then use the music unlock
look at more proof some ppl need a life

your gonna have to zoom in
im not sure how to play x.x!!!
Ryuzaki11111 wrote:
im not sure how to play x.x!!!

click to attack,right click to do various commands,double click doors to open them,right click weapons in your inventory to equip them{you must equip THEN ope the Deathnote}and the arrow keys move you around
Great Game..
Sounds real interesting. I'll give it try. Great review, by the way.
its a really good game....i hate how long the game takes for a new round to start tho
It takes way too long for my computer to load that... Maybe one day I would just start loading it then leave for my classes then come back in 5 hours. THEN i might be able to play it.
The game goes too slow even in nanaya mode and I just didn't like it for various reasons, but mostly I just couldn't get into it. Murder Mansion was better.
This is definitely a great and addicting game. There are some abusive hosts unfortunately, such as Sasuke saga and NarutoRocks, but other then that all is great. I'm still trying to figure out how to download the host files myself, haha.
I love this game. Great review, by-the-way. The gameplay is addictive and its near impossible to only play one round.
Good review, I love the game, can't stop playing it but some of the hosts don't know anything it seems which is sad decline for this game...
Naruto Sound Organization Takeover is a game Based on the Anime Series Naruto. First you start of as an Academy Student and then you just train until you see something like "There Will Be a Genin Exam In 5 Minutes.There is one in every Village" this is a really great game....
Sigh.. I hope one day, everyone in Midatake High would be how to rp... Then Mitadake High would be the best!
yah this game is great! but in some games theres ppl who dontt rp and i hate that so much!
I just started playing today with a friend. This game is awesome!
It's a great game. but it's just too quiet at times. -_-
Definately a good game -- I only find one fault with it, and that's that sometimes nobody wants to play (usually any time before 5pm GMT, and it's deserted).

It's fun having your character talk to themselves as if they were crazy/having an inner monologue, and it's even better when someone goes crazy as a result of pressure.
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