Ninja Arts: Way of the Pixel
Byond Membership, I'm finally here. I think the only real pro to this is that brand spanking new forum avatar, and this nifty website/blog. Which will unfortunately eat up several hours of my time with its beatification.
As you may of already inferred, I'm a Pixel Artist. A Ninja of the most simplistic graphical atom in most of today's computing universe. I am a Pixel Ninja.
What's the difference between a Normal Pixel artist/Iconner and a Pixel ninja you say?
Nothing, LOL. I just like the term, makes me feel sneaky. In reality, there is only two -real- difference between a Pixel Ninja and a normal Pixel artist. That is, the ability to take critique, and progress from it. Yep, that's it. What Else? To be sneaky! Yea.. Do everything with style and a certain Originality. Others don't have to think your cool, but, the fact that you try to be unique, -makes- u cool.
Maybe one day I'll open up the ways of the Tayoko Ninja.
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