you bet ur bottom im random taday
lmao XD
I r borededz no one is talking to me on IU
well that sucks
no one wants to come on my iu server >.<
now i gtg DANG
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives DB a present* its pie, well the real pie not "pie" pie >.> and bro shouldnt you give her 15 birthday kisses????
GoldWolfDestine wrote:
So i said back to him;doesnt mean acid burns through everything!

Ummmm he meant acid as in the drug >.>
no he means acid as in like the acid dude
like the crap that obliterates everyting in it's path
and it was a false alarm i dont gtg we just went to DQ
Dark_angel_of_love wrote:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives DB a present* its pie, well the real pie not "pie" pie >.> and bro shouldnt you give her 15 birthday kisses????

I already did
me and her had make out ^.^
so db what you gonna today?
Happy birthday lol^^
And I would give you a lil something something but Coreys here<.<
AROAHDFLQFAODFIHqwefoiuqweisad;lfaodifhasdlkfnav;lka gopyq ewotbadsflkjaglhd ZUGAWA! xd im super silly today
taj didnt forget my d day either lol
GoldWolfDestine wrote:
AROAHDFLQFAODFIHqwefoiuqweisad;lfaodifhasdlkfnav;lka gopyq ewotbadsflkjaglhd ZUGAWA! xd im super silly today

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