Gros Albert veut toujours son dos d'estomac de maman d'ur !
ok Miss Lisa
it your turn now
let see can you throw an come back for that
i dont speak french ><
lol see you know thats not fair
thats how i won last time...
Nice one Miss Lisa XD
you won last time because she stop Anita XD
and there no rules sayin she cant speak other language
unless botht judges said it (Cario and Wolf)
Lol u heard him
hm...i guess it dont matter since we throwin random comments at eachother xD
well that bad for you Wolf XD
good thing I speak French too ^::^
(wy am i judge idk even know who to root for ><)
now continue!
ya both got 2 mins left before me and Wolf judge the winner is...
me either Wolf
but hey!
someone had to judge them and since we the only two here
so that someone is os two XD
*plays mission impossible music* lets gooooo!!!!!!
Ok this my last one...

Yo sooo fat!That she tripped on 4th avenue and landed on 12th!

And if you dont have a good comeback then I win lol.

last one huh? hmmmm...
(must resist urge to help!)*whistles to the mission theme*
well yo so fat that when she fell....she made the grand canyon!
ooo nice
Lol ok let the judges decide o_o
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