How would you define a "casual gamer" in comparison to a "hardcore gamer?"

Would you say it has to do with the games the person plays? How often they play them? How much they're interested in the gaming industry, or gaming as an art form?

Is someone who plays a game like Tetris or Animal Crossing for several hours a day less hardcore than someone who plays Bioshock for a half hour a week?
What about someone who plays a lot of Halo, Call of Duty, and Final Fantasy, but then knows little about what's current in gaming?
Or someone who constantly reads gaming news, but then rarely picks up a game?

So... what are your definitions? I'm pretty curious!
I'm thinking a hardcore player enthusiastically "celebrates" whenever he gets a head shot in his favorite war game.
Hardcore gamer, mmm. I'd say I live with one, he doesn't play quite a few types of games, so I guess that doesn't matter so much.

Every morning, he gets up, spends ~30 minutes reading the night's RSS feeds from gaming sites, has a shower and breakfast, then starts playing. Sonic and Mario games, First Person Shooters like CoD4, BF2142, ocassionally fires up the SNES. He's not really a PC gamer (so no RTS games), but the number of hours he manages probably makes him 'hardcore', as well as the interest in new developments.

He recently imported a Japanese Wii and Smash Bros Brawl. He basically didn't sleep for ~2 days around when it was meant to be delivered.
Wall of text incoming!

I'd define a "hardcore" gamer as someone for whom playing, reading up on or talking about video games is their primary activity.

Alternatively, it could be suggested that someone who performs those activities for more than 20 - (sleep + showering + school+homework/job) - 5minutes (per game) hours each day (For me, that would be a very sad 9 hours, which I pretty much meet. Yeah, I'm not busy often.)

Another alternative is someone who simply professes to an avid interest in games, plays or discusses games or browses forums regularly - with a casual gamer willing to play and "check on" news or forums but not actively and seriously involved in any game/news.

Then you have the "RPGer" definition;
People who play "immersive" games like Morrowind or EVE Online. These games are usually for hardcore gamers due to the time you end up investing.
This is because they reduce you to a gibbering wreck with a broken keyboard. (In a nice way. I don't mean through frustration, I mean you come to your senses again only when your WASD keys cease to work and you've spent your last credit/gold)
We miss you Blu! I am willing to renew your membership if you come back!