Keywords: review
I'm not going to be going to detailed into this review, since (admittedly) I didn't play way too long; apparently (according to most of the players on at the time) not long enough to grasp much of the game, so I'm simply going to discuss what I did actually experience. Feel free to submit other reviews if you'd like to mention further points not mentioned here.

== Resources ==

This game is definitely not lacking in resources. Upon entering the game, I stumbled upon a bunch of great resources, bringing back the sensation of playing games on an old Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Gameboy. It reminded me exactly of what I'm pretty sure it was intended to remind me of: The earlier Final Fantasy games. The music of the game reminded me of many of my favorite games over the past years. Jumping on down into the South triggered the Gerudo Fortress music from Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, which I thought was very fitting for training grounds.

== Content ==

The content was reminiscent of the many Final Fantasy games over the years. Basically, the game starts out and you can choose among a handful of classes to play as. You can chose anything from short-ranged to magic to battle with, and you're given a role and an objective to fit that role that you can chose to ignore for a while (indefinitely?) if you so choose to.

From the get-go, you're in a party, be it a one-player party or an eight-player party, just like what I thought was cool about the older Final Fantasies. Your party has a leader, who has the ability to examine the party and make the party rest, along with delegate a new leader, among other things.

== Community / Staff ==

For the little while that I stayed around, the community and staff both happened to be pretty great. The staff was especially welcoming. One of the staff members gave a tour to me and a few other new guys. The community and staff were both happy to answer any questions that were conceived of, sometimes even with background information.

== Conclusion ==

My conclusion is that this game was great. It followed some already-established Final Fantasy traditions, as well as established new concepts and whatnot. I'd definitely recommend giving this game a try if you're looking for an RPG to play, whether you liked Final Fantasy games or not.
Very good game, I suggest everyone plays it.
Thank you for your stint into the world of Darlow, Audeuro. I appreciate your giving our world a try and telling an opinion unbiased. You're welcome to come back and see us any time you like. Feel free to offer any suggestions you'd like to, as well. :)

Rand, Redmage of The Brotherhood.
I agree with this review wholeheartedly. I've been playing this game for quite a long while, and I can add a bit to this.

The game does not lack at all when it comes to some very interesting ideas. For instance, one of the boss fights is not the standard "make it run out of hp" routine. You literally have to push him off a cliff, he won't die otherwise. The fight may cause annoyance when he moves away from the cliff, but the fight is insanely fun.

The maps need to be worked on some, but that's being addressed in the next version, which I cannot wait for. From what I've heard from the public discussions on the next version, there's going to be much more depth to the maps instead of being like many games with a standard 'follow this path to fight the boss' map. For instance, let's say while investigating a fallen town, you could stumble upon an old diary of a townsfolk describing their last days before monsters overran. Little nuances like this really make a game feel more real-to-life.

On that note, the next version is taking quite a long time to be made, however every idea that the playerbase has made has been taken into consideration by the Brotherhood. It's rather nice to give suggestions to a game and know that they'll be thought about instead of "lol dats stupid" or never recieving any message from the admins about it.

On the administration: When I first started, I had heard rumors of the admins being overly ban-happy. However, after playing it since 2005, I have found that this is indeed not the case. I have never seen a ban fly that was not warranted. Even oldbies can get banned if they step out of line, which is good to see; letting bias get into the way of the job is never a good thing.

EDIT: Ah, yes, one thing I forgot to address. Some folks say that the game is too much grinding for levels. In the current version, it is pretty grind-heavy, but the next version will have a much easier time with levelling from what I have seen and heard. End-game levelling will actually be possible to do, and not take eons like it currently does.

Overall, I believe that THG is a great game to try, especially if you like having epic boss battles that rely on strategy, not just flinging a Nuke on everything.
Yeah it is a good game, i thoroughly enjoy being in massive parties and taking on everything with ease. And what about the icons? I love those. The pixels look a bit out of whack but it's still cool fighting as Golbez. but the leveling is indeed EXTREMELY low. I can't beat val and the enemies i fight are too hard to solo, but the weaker ones give 4 exp when i need 1000 to get to the next level. I hope they fix it up a bit. I like it but i dont play it a lot because of that, it's just too tedious for me.