Yet another "oh my god my membership is almost out! let's make a post announcing it" in hopes that someone will be kind enough to renew it.

Maggeh wrote:
Yet another "oh my god my membership is almost out! let's make a post announcing it" in hopes that someone will be kind enough to renew it.

Yeah, pretty much.

So get to the point rather than making some "oh noes my membership is almost out, whatever shall I do" post
Quaddw wrote:
So get to the point rather than making some "oh noes my membership is almost out, whatever shall I do" post

Cock joke. :P

Uh no
get jay to buy you one lol he bought your last one didn't he?
Didn't you used to own a bleach game
Noooooooes D:

But who else will have a Domokun avatar?

Rugg wrote:
Didn't you used to own a bleach game

No I didn't.

The Unknown Ninja From Hell wrote:

get jay to buy you one lol he bought your last one didn't he?

No he didn't.

DarkCampaigner wrote:

Noooooooes D:

But who else will have a Domokun avatar?


I know, its a tragedy. :(
get your mom to buy you another one and as for paying her back do some work around the house o.O