Keywords: videogames
Just started play WoW or feel like starting up a new character? Come join our guild that is already full of other BYONDers!

On the horde side of the Nazjatar server we've revitalized our guild "MAKE WAY FOR THE BAD GUY" and have an influx of new players. At this point we have 8 or so active BYONDers, a few of which have high-level characters in the guild but have started up new characters for fun.

With the latest patch the amount of experience required to get from level 10-60 has been reduced by 20%... so there has never been a better time to start up a new character and quest with us! Right now the active members of the guild are all playing their new characters, most of which are between level 10-20.

If you are interested in joining, roll a horde character and whisper one of the following players: Necrosaro/Acheron (Me), Balzack/Sargon, Archville or Sarm
I have a 70 Drood and 55 Hunter Horde on Dunemaul, though I never paly anymore got boring =/ Even have my epic flying mount plus like epics :o
I'll stay on The Den here. >>

Level 230 Orc Warrior FTW.
I'll probably stop by but I've got an Alliance character I'm working on over on an Oceanic server, so it'll probably just be to say hi.
You forgot to mention me, the most caring, welcoming member of the guild. I feel hurt, and shall now drown myself in ice cream.

Oh and, you forgot to mention that quests give like 20% or 30% more exp too. Less grinding, more reasons to do quests!
Nazjatar is full of failure! Demon Soul for the win! Wait. how's the end-game raiding like on Nazjatar?
GoodDoggyTreat wrote:
Nazjatar is full of failure! Demon Soul for the win! Wait. how's the end-game raiding like on Nazjatar?

I think that it's active... but I'm not a big fan of end-game raid stuff, so I don't keep up with it. Our guild is more of the casual 5-man instance and world pvp variety.
Stormscale > Nazjatar

Stormscale, home of world pvp.
Will someone pay for my account? =D