It's a bit late and coincidentally a short bit after Along the Tech Tree, but I decided to release the semi update of Ultimate Strife. Seeing as I haven't messed with DM in at least a month or two also, I forgot what exactly I needed to update, so I'm releasing a hostable version for people to just try out. As I said, it's semi-updated so it has some features that I've either forgotten about or haven't fully completed(although it's still playable) but hopefully with some people playing it, I can be reminded of my previous plans for it.

If I remember correctly, I did make some new computer ais, but they of course need to be more thoroughly tested online. Feel free to do so if you decide to play it.

Also if I remember to, I'll try and host tomorrow so that I can get back into the swing of updating the game. I definitely want to try and overcome my laziness and finally get this game where I want it to be.
Well, it's a fun game. Keep going on it
Glad you like it, will do. :D