We lefties are a minority in most/all countries, so I'm wonder if the same could be said about BYOND. I don't think most right handers understand the challenges left handers have to deal with in life. Specifically in hand writing, where lefties have to push the pen, unlike righties who have the luxury of pulling the pen. Computers are also a task that pose slight challenges to lefties. The mouse is a right handed tool, requiring precision that a primary hand does best at. So us lefties are stuck at a bit of a disadvantage in using it, but as long as you were raised using a mouse with your right hand, it's not too bad.
Another common problem is scissors. Most of them are ambidextrous, but whenever we grab a pair that are righty only, it can be painful to use them.
So just answer, I'd be happy to know the results.
Poll: Are you left handed?
Only members of can vote.
Dec 31 2007, 11:02 am
I can use both. I hate the ambidextrous word. =[
My handwriting is more neat when I'm writing left hand, but I tend to use my right in school because it's easier. I sign papers with my left, though.
Yeah, I just refused to cut anything in school unless I had ambidextrous or lefty scissors. Especially those bit metal righty scissors. OUCH.
I'm left handed, and I can't write with my right hand well, but I never had problems with scissors or mice because I use my right hand for that stuff. I play on a right-handed drumkit, yet have left handed stickings. I eat with my left hand, but I honestly don't know what hand I use when I'm using both a fork and knife because I don't have any preference. I guess I'm a little bit luckier because I've been raised to do stuff with both hands. I've come up to the conclusion that I'm left-handed, but right-armed, since I play sports like badminton with my right hand.
Ambidextrous actually means "right handed with both hands". It has a little known antonym "ambisinistrous" which means "left-handed with both hands". So much discrimations for you lefties. :P
Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> [/]Switch Primary and Secondary mouse buttons.
Arrr, I be right handed. |
I write with my left hand most comfortably and I do pretty much everything else with my right hand. I can write somewhat with my right hand, but it feels awkward and cramps easily.
I was born left handed but switched to my right hand. Why isn't there a category for me?
Unfortunately there's no simple answer to your poll. I write, eat, and use scissors with my left hand, but in most other tasks I'm right-handed. Handedness is actually more of a spectrum.
Lefty here!
Obviously most of us use both hands... We wouldn't have two if we didn't have some use for both...lol And in most cases, we unconsciously assign certain tasks to one or the other... Sometimes, this is driven by the tools we have available, too... For a common example, many lefties use their right hands to cut with scissors, most likely because lefty scissors aren't quite common enough to give us the luxury of taking that path... We force ourselves to learn to cut with our right hands... So to some degree, we're all ambidextrous/ambisinistrous... But I think in terms of deciding our actual handedness, the best way to judge is by knowing which side you have the best fine motor control over, and often which side is the strongest (for instance, most people can throw a ball much farther with one hand than the other) The latter is more or less just the result of favoring that side, but it's a sign of which one you do indeed favor... Because basically, many of the tasks that lefties assign to their right hands (eating, cutting, mouse use) are things that either really don't require the level of control that tasks like writing or drawing do, or they are things that we're forced into by the tools available (I.E. scissors)... And even in some cases, they're simple tasks that we push off on the off-hand, in order to keep the favored hand free for more important tasks... |
I know that this one does, but I'm not sure if that's for lack of practice, or for having to use the mouse right-handed...
That actually might be why I dislike the usual keyboard + mouse control of most computer games (I vastly prefer console gaming) |