I'm not sure how to word that, but the basic idea is that when you travel back in time, instead of branching off the time you arrive, time itself loops, effectively ending the time ahead of you, and resetting the time to you arrive at. Let me make a little chart...

I doubt it is even close to possible that I am right about that, but it is interesting to think about.
That would, however, introduce a problem with bringing energy in from inside the loop to out, so you could just keep doing it over and over again, gaining power each time, thus pulling power from nothing. You could then say, to correct this, it takes all the power existing from the point you want to arive at to go back. Meaning no added energy could be brought back, problem is, you would be part of that energy(and also matter, because it matters too!), meaning that in order to time travel, you need at least one immeasurably small amount of energy/matter more than the universe contains.
Also, if my idea was true, would it not, then, be completely unethical to use time travel at all, considering it would end(not really kill) all lives before hand. It would also suggest that the end of the universe would be unlikely, because it would always get looped eventually(some race or another would invent time travel, and loop it back).
It boggles my mind thinking about it, possible or not.