Yeah *puts up his cold fusion invention* your right. I mean my hover car is running so long and doesn't require gas just a small amount of light...oh well *turns off time machine* by the by...that girl you met on the street a few days ago and had fun with, that wasn't a girl.
I know.. it was a goat, god I loved that goat.
I suppose.. I am declared the winner? Damn half-witted monkeys! :P
Hubba wa now? My magical time traviling elf says your wrong!
I bet I can run you over on your skateboard with my car. Infact, any car would do. Who needs manual propulsion when automatic mechanical/electrical methods are there? :P
If your car was fast enough to hit me, I mean, hotwheels can't catch up to someone on a skateboard, buddy.
Hey, it's the retarded bon fag!
Bon fire! XD
Hmm... Hot Wheels would work as well. called me what your dad called you last night Crashed.....
NOw now your all retard but crashed and bon
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