Well, I previously got a job at Greene's & Associates as a telemarketer. Went through the first day of training on Tuesday, and quit Wednesday half an hour before shift started. I also happened to cut my hair, as you can tell by the user avatar I'm using. Pretty much a pointless post, but I figured I may as well update everyone on what I've been up to, or else I would have gotten raped(more in likely just by Elation, but who knows who else might try to rape me *Cough*Tiberath*Cough*) So, since I have spare time on my hands, I may just update and review a game or two, which may include, but is not limited to Chatters. Until then, I'll probably fill out some applications for random places around town, and piss around with Photoshop.
- Mopar
Sep 9 2005, 7:51 pm
Sep 10 2005, 3:14 am
Why did you quit so quickly?
Shades, I quit due to personal reasons(involves my license, and them not letting me work there 'til I got it), and what the hell does rape have to do with that blog entry? Honestly, Lee...
sounds like a bunch of bullshit from another lazy kid.
Why would they hire you, if you didnt have your license, and you needed it to work there? I would have just said off the bat: "we cant use you, sorry. Come back when you have a license." People always use the excuse "personal reasons" when they just dont have a good excuse. |