![]() Dec 18 2007, 1:16 pm
Poll: Do you think a homosexual male can teach an adopted boy to be a heterosexual?
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As I'm kinda at a standstill on my position of the matter and I don't have much time to truly dwell on it, I'd like to pose a question: Do you think a homosexual male can teach an adopted boy how to be a heterosexual male? Just being around your parents you seem to inherent(in most cases) some of their traits and values(ie. obviously from heterosexual parents, you're a lot more likely to be attracted to the opposite sex). I'd like to know you guys' opinion on this as I'm still trying to come up with one of my own; I feel that you shouldn't discriminate, but having a homosexual parent may influence the child more than normal to be homosexual as well, but then again that's not necessarily a BAD thing.
![]() Dec 18 2007, 1:22 pm
Nobody is taught to be homosexual or heterosexual, so your question has little bearing in reality.
Well it depends. Is homosexuality/heterosexuality something you learn, or is it genetic? I don't really know much on this topic, but I don't think sexuality is something that is taught. You're either born attracted to the opposite sex, the same sex, or both. No amount of "teaching" will change that.
For example all the gay people that grew up in say the 1950s American suburb life style.They certainly weren't taught to be gay, so why did they end up so? |
Sexual preference is not a choice, it's just how a person is born. It's no different than being born loving music or having great talent, it's just how it is for them. Homosexual parents can raise children just as well as heterosexual parents.
You don't have a problem with a grandparent raising a child, and they have no active sexual lives at all. Will the grandchildren they raise turn out to be sexually inactive? Heck no. Horny kids will do what they want, no matter what their parents do or say. |
Medical research and psychological research has shown that Homosexuality does not impact a child's state of mind or sexuality in ANY way. Homosexual parents are just as fitting as those whom are not homosexual.
Yea, the question you're posing is rather naive, as you're obviously ignorant on the subject. There's a lot of evidence in favor of sexual orientation being determined prior to birth.
Homosexual people do effect others, including adopted children... however, I doubt specific sexual preference is one of them.
The only side effect I see is that they will be more open minded (and a bit of bi-sexualism... or just plain old experimenting but what kid hasn't gone through that stage? Well, other than me... stupid strict parents keeping me naive + late puberty >_>) Hm, imagine the "where do baby come from" talk. ---- Kid: Daddy, where do babies come from? Father: They come from a mommy's bely. Kid: But I have no mommy, just another daddy, so how did I came? Father: Well, your mother was a deadbeat --- that would ------ anything that walked by her and when she gave birth to you, probably when she was very drunk or high, they put you in the orphanage. Kid: Why did you adopt me than, instead of getting a mommy and having a baby? Father: I wanted to skip the diaper stage and your other daddy wanted a kid. ------ The above statement is not intended to insult anybody. >_> |
The real question would be: Are at lease one of these homosexual parents capable of producing the nurturing motherhood instinct?
I have no doubt that a child of gay parents would have a much easier time accepting that they where gay, and admitting it. But I highly doubt it would actually change their sexual preference, just their public preference.
I really think any laws that treat gay couples different from straight couples should be... outlawed. Due to laws about sexual positions, it's illegal for male gays to even have sexual contact in my state, and it's truly sad.(Also, it's technically illegal for me to be knocking at the back door of a girl.) |
This argument is in a grey area. You have to take the argument of nature not nurture into consideration.
Many documented occasions of heterosexual parents with homosexual children. Whose to say it's not possible vice versa? Personally, I believe it's a matter of choice for the child. Experimenting and deciding which you like most is generally the way for most young kids of this day and age to figure it out. Shit, sex is pretty much plastered into their brains at birth now anyway. |
Hmm, its nice to have a civilized conversation. Anyways, I can't say I necessarily agree with homosexuals' choices but anyone could be discriminated against for any reason at all which is why I'm somewhat in the middle. Arguably you can do all the scientific tests you want and each person would turn out differently but I think that the old stereotypes of gay people have taken deep root and are kinda hard to shake. Personally I would rather not SEE gay people interacting because it grosses me out(but who's to say straight people interacting isn't gross?) but I could really care less what they do in their own privacy. Still though this is a tough situation; I can't really see gay rights being taken truly serious though. Depending on how you look at it, it is an abomination to some(but that would be discriminating) and just modern times to others(just accepting things isn't always good). At the time being though, I don't see this eventually turning to the scales of a Holocaust situation though with the slow process of taking away rights and etc...
No, homosexual parents can't teach their kid to be heterosexual. Or homosexual. Or bisexual. Or any other sexual. It's not taught, it's how you're born.
There is absolutely no reason to prevent homosexual couples from adopting. At least, no reason specific to homosexual couples - obviously a homosexual couple that was known to be abusive drug-dealers would be just as unsuitable to adopt someone as heterosexual abusive drug-dealers. |
On noze!1! They might catch teh gay!
We cannot allow homosexuals to warp our children in such a corrosive environment. It is far better that they sit in state facilities like prisoners or are placed with their own nice, normal, abusive families. |
Many documented occasions of heterosexual parents with homosexual children. Whose to say it's not possible vice versa? it's obviously possible, but the issue wouldn't be that homosexual couples always turn their adopted kids gay, but that the children adopted by gay couples would have a higher rate of homosexuality than other children. i wouldn't be surprised at all if this is the case, but it would most likely be from other factors. it's not that these adopted children actually have a higher chance of turning gay, but that their circumstances are more accepting of homosexuals. as ryokashi said, his dad was gay but is married and has a child. because his parents were not so open minded, his homosexuality could have been a secret that he took to his grave. homosexual parents would be more accepting, and would be more likely to allow him to be open about his sexuality. it's not that he would have been any more likely to be gay if he had homosexual parents, but it's more likely that he would be open about it. statistics are computed from observable data. you can't count how many people are keeping a secret. this is why statistics are tricky. a statistic can show you that a trend exists, but it doesn't explain the cause. it may look like it, but often a causal relationship is much harder to show than just computing what percentage of certain populations are homosexual. |
I don't care what gay people do between themselves, but please, leave the children out of this.
Amongst other things, I might point out another factor why modern society cannot allow this. Imagine a little boy going to school all hyped, thinking about his first day and stuff. But this boy has grown up with two daddies, instead of a mommy and daddy. It might be all daisies and sunshine in the start, but then other students discover the truth about his step-parents. He would be picked on, teased, or worse. And the older they get, the tougher it gets. It goes from teasing to beating and being a plain old social outcast. Now, in a perfect society this would never happen, but I'm sure none of you are ignorant enough to think that this is the case on modern Earth. If one of them were the biological father, I'd see no problem. It's his child after all. But adopting a child and forcing him to go through all that? I don't think so, Pedro. |
Ir0nm4n wrote:
I don't care what gay people do between themselves, but please, leave the children out of this. That's a problem with the school system, not with any particular trait. Hell, the kind of kids who take the piss like that will find something to tease about. The only reason that sort of thing would happen is because it doesn't happen, it's just a matter of acceptance. In my opinion, saying homosexuals couples cannot adopt for a reason like that is like saying mixed race couples can't have children because they'll get teased for having a black dad and a white mum or whatever. |
Ir0nm4n wrote:
I don't care what gay people do between themselves, but please, leave the children out of this. This is bs. Gay couples aren't allowed to adopt children because they might get made fun of? It's up to the schools to prevent that in the first place, but to deny such a thing for such a reason is beyond ridiculously. And,not to mention, if we use this type or reasoning that somehow Gay people are bad we're never going to change anything. |
Ir0nm4n wrote:
I don't care what gay people do between themselves, but please, leave the children out of this. By your logic, black people shouldn't be allowed to have children in racist towns. |
ironman is making a point and you're all slightly missing it. he isn't talking about it in terms of the government and what it should and shouldn't allow, he's talking about it in terms of the children and what's best for the kids.
its not bad that the government and adoption agencies would allow gay couples to adopt a child. what's bad is that the gay couple is adopting a child, knowing that the kid will be teased more than others. kids will always be teased for a variety of reasons, why would you want to give a child another reason to be picked on? while its often the case that things must get worse before they get better, its also true that some actions only make things worse. it would be nice if we could magically integrate all colors, shapes, and sizes of people overnight, but it just doesn't work like that. while you may not be satisfied with the way things are, you have to understand that change takes time. not giving it enough time can result in bad things. By your logic, black people shouldn't be allowed to have children in racist towns. its hard to stop people from being racist, but its easy for the black people to choose a different place to live. if you were black and had children, wouldn't you rather have them grow up in a non-racist town? its not that black people should be forced to live in non-racist towns, its just common sense. cities have gayborhoods not because gay people are forced to live in a certain area, but because they have common sense. |