Yes, it's the truth. All these years, Santa has been lying to you. About what, you may be wondering?
Well, I'll tell you.

Santas' Elves aren't really Elves.

Think about it - since when are elves 3-4 feet tall?
Since when do Elves really care about other beings that aren't Elves?
Since when do Elves not live in forests, but in the frigid north?
Since when did Elves enjoy making things more than studying magics, sciences and other things?

Since never, that's when.
So what are Santas' Elves, really?
I say they are a mix of Gnomes and Dwarves. Or a strange race of Trolls, seeing as they all like the color green.

What do you people think?
I say they are slave children taken from Jewish households.
I'm guessing a hybrid of gnomes, elves(because of the ears of course), and jewish children
I believe I have found the culprit - the Forest Gnome.

Look familiar? Almost like a "Santa Elf"?

However, why are they up there in the frigid north?
Unless, of course, Santa doesn't life in the North like everyone believes, but in a forest somewhere! Are there any forests around Iceland or Greenland, because that is where I am looking.