Keywords: events
BYOND Action is currently looking to do some sort of event for the Holiday season, most likely over Winter Break. However, we can't decide on what to do, so we're turning to you, the players.
  • What type of event would you like to be held?
  • Do you care if it has a Holiday theme or not?
  • What days are best for you?
We will then take the suggestions you provide and make a poll to vote for the most popular one. Depending on the event you guys choose, there will most likely be membership prizes involved!

On an unrelated note, I posted some Submission Guidelines in our forums. If you're planning on submitting games to BYOND Action in the future, please take a second to read through them.
Creativity event? Show the byond action guild what you are really capable of on or off of the computer by creating an action-related picture, movie, or animation. This can range from a simple banner to a full video fight with background music and you and your buddies together doing a mortal kombat battle to the death. Personally, I'd probably work on making a flash video... Anyways... Just an idea...
It may seem like a usual thing, but I'm willing to throw Smash Bros. BYOND up for an event in the guild, if you guys want. I've had it up for the past 2-3 days and have updated it quite a bit. I'll probably have a series of updates up until Christmas, when I hopefully get a laptop, then I'll do one massive update.
Gotrax wrote:
Creativity event? Show the byond action guild what you are really capable of on or off of the computer by creating an action-related picture, movie, or animation. This can range from a simple banner to a full video fight with background music and you and your buddies together doing a mortal kombat battle to the death. Personally, I'd probably work on making a flash video... Anyways... Just an idea...

Though this is kind of a good idea not all of us are artistic with computers (me). I personally rather just play some games that are releated to the holidays. But the only game that comes to mind is Side Walk Santa.

Gotrax wrote:
Creativity event? Show the byond action guild what you are really capable of on or off of the computer by creating an action-related picture, movie, or animation....

Although I like the idea, it would be too broad to judge and give out prizes for.

I suppose there isn't any reason we can't hold two events: one a contest, one a game day.

I'll talk to D4RK3 54B3R and see what he thinks.

Keep the suggestions coming!
ummm i like the idea of the action related picture etc...
Lol... I posted this on the forums... But it's not really getting anywhere... Take a look at these... Made 'em for fun.
How about a Scarey Game 2 contest.

That games pretty action-y.
Hasting wrote:
How about a Scarey Game 2 contest.

That games pretty action-y.


Scarey Game 2 would be AWSOME to have a contest in..... But how would it be scored :/