There have been a number of robberies on my street, my house is nestled on a vacent dirt road there are only 4 people living on my road. Two of them have been wiped clean. They loaded a truck up to their windows and cleaned them of every thing valuable that they owned...Poor neighbors, it makes me want to cry...That this filth would rob already almost completely poor people for their own selfish needs and ruin their lives without any thought otherwise. There are two people living on our street that havn't been robbed, me and neighbor. Were prepared to defend our homes to the death. My father gave me a pistol thats already loaded, I keep it under my bed. I'm willing to take someones life to defend my home, or even all of them. I know it has to be one person, so if they try to break into my door or window, a loaded barrel pointed at their head will be on the other wise. You would do the same no? Even if a few years ago, someone got sued by this guy that broke into their house and the people that owned it hit him with a bat hard even though he had a knife, the guy won the case and the people he broke into lost alot of money. Thats why im prepared to take lives no survives..If I shoot him in the leg on accident and he goes down and he thinks he's going to survive...I'll go into my kitchen and get one of my large butcher knives and slowly insert it into his neck till he stops breathing. I can easily claim my case in defense of my life and my home.
Us poor people have to make a living somehow !

Ah, good old housecleaning, never did it myself, but had a good mate who is an ex gang-member that did a job on his old headmaster (yeah, he was doing this about the age of 14-15), wiped his whole house of goods, left no evidence.

The headmaster knew it was him, but he had no proof, so he simply made an excuse to expell my mate. Nice bloke he is, doesnt do anything illegal now, last time I talked to him he was trying to get a plumbing job.

I'm not fond of the American's constitution, especialy the "right to own a gun" bit, but then guns are a different story over here, they are used to kill, thats all. Not really any stick ups, people protecting their homes or family, the only reason people here tend to own a gun for, is if they plan to kill someone.

Anyway I could ramble on all day...
I'm not fond of the American's constitution, especialy the "right to own a gun" bit, but then guns are a different story over here, they are used to kill, thats all.

Not always the case, Acebloke. Farmers can be allowed to own guns for warding off foxes and the like, since they can completely crippled a farm and destroy it's livestock.

Inutracy, in England a farmer was defending his home from two theives. The theives broke in, and the farmer used his shotgun to ward them off (you can get licenses for them, my granddad was a farmer and had a rifle).

He hit one of the robbers. The robber filed a law suit and won. I think the farmer went to freakin' jail or something.
I think the robber made loads selling his story too.

That's justice. =/ Makes me sick.
If you kill a robber, you have to yell, "BOOM HEADSHOT."
handguns* yeah shotguns and some rifles are legal with licenses.
Rofl Ben I will!
No, just hold the gun at him, then say: "If you move, it'll be the last thing you do". Then say he moved, and kill him XD.
Hrm. Interesting how people advocate murder to prevent theft.

You stab an unarmed man in your kitchen at gunpoint, I sure don't want your case. There's not a jury in the world that's gonna buy any story for that one. Can we say "Capital Murder"?

Here's a tip: lock your doors, get a dog, keep your eyes open and have your neighbors do the same. That gun is trouble waiting. Especially if a thief gets it while your gone. Or worse. When you're there.

And keeping a loaded firearm where you can quickly access while still groggy or asleep is asking for tragedy.

Please, at least take a basic handgun safety course if you feel a need to arm yourself.

Prosecutor: So let me get this straight, he broke into your house correct?

Defendant: Yes

P: Was he armed? A bat, knife, anything?

D: No.

P: But you did have a pistol didn't you?

D: Yes.

P: But you didn't shoot him right away did you? You forced him into the kitchen, correct?

D: Yes.

P: So, at this point, instead of shooting him, you stabbed him?

D: Yes.

P: In the neck?

D:: Yes.

P: Then watched him die?

D: Yes.

P: Did you call the police first? An ambulance, anything?

D: No.

P: No further questions.
How would they know?

Tracy: He slipped into my kitchen and stole one of my knives, he tried attacking me but I shot him in self defence.
DAMN! I like this women!
"Tracy: He slipped into my kitchen and stole one of my knives, he tried attacking me but I shot him in self defence."

Fingerprints ? You can track fingerprints even through gloves now too.
There my knives, i've used them recently to cut something in my kitchen. ;) Thats why there were mixed finger I slid the knife into his hand to get his finger prints on it.
The whole bleeding to death from a massive knife wound would probably undermine any story that you shot him in self defense....

And in a stressful situation, you're probably not going to be that sadistic anyway. I hope.

But if you don't kep the gun locked up, what happens when Mr. Burglar goes snooping when you aren't there? Theives love to steal guns.

Then, when they shoot somebody and trace the serial number, guess who gets visted by the cops.

Or worse, you walk in after he found it.
I think internet posts about the plan might not help in court either. ;)

Anywho, slow kills should be done with bare hands for stress relief. Knives just increase the chance of catching a disease from the opponent's blood. A gun will also splatter blood, but at least it's fast.
damn just say he broke in and entered and he said if u moved he would kill u and u shott him out of fear of your lfe, and the reason being they can file a law suit because ur taking away there livly hood eh its a bad job in the 1st place just shoot the bastards and send them 2 hell xD