Keywords: byond_people
Calling all of the community for your pictures!

Don't forget that The BYOND People Viewer does exist still and we are at 97 people photos. Get in your pictures folks, and feel free to send me pictures even if you're already in there, I have no objection to changing the photos.

The viewer isn't there to judge you, it's to bring this community closer together to realize we aren't just pixeled bots, we're people too.
Its a good effort, ill get you a better picture of me later.
I honestly didn't think I would get many pictures, let alone almost hitting 100.

The total doesn't include the 3 bottom pictures either.
Fuck that, put a picture up to get made fun of by people who look half slow? I saw your old people viewer, people that talked big were complete losers.
LoL you do not have to put your picture up, its purely voluntary.
this is probably the best photo of me I've got in digital form at the moment. I might try and find a better one later. One where I'm not, for example, staring wide-eyed into the camera.

You know how my face looks weird in that? It's just an expession, I swear! My eyes aren't normally that wide!

I am still covered in pimples, though. Damned annoying things.

It shows my nipple.

Also, I can get a better picture if you want o_o
Lord of light wrote:
Fuck that, put a picture up to get made fun of by people who look half slow? I saw your old people viewer, people that talked big were complete losers.

Then don\'t post, spazzy. >_>
Lord of light wrote:
Fuck that, put a picture up to get made fun of by people who look half slow? I saw your old people viewer, people that talked big were complete losers.

Some people aren't ashamed of how they look, and don't spend their lives caring what other people think of them.
Lord of light wrote:
Fuck that, put a picture up to get made fun of by people who look half slow? I saw your old people viewer, people that talked big were complete losers.

seems as if you are the one talking big right now, you complete loser
Lord of light wrote:
Fuck that, put a picture up to get made fun of by people who look half slow? I saw your old people viewer, people that talked big were complete losers.

If you don't do it, you're a pussy.



PS. I'm talking big, because I can because I'm extremely good looking which completely voids your argument.

hi5 Kalzar
Mikau wrote:

hi5 Kalzar

I don't see the point of this, the virtual world is an alternate reality, so I'll just watch as you all create BYONDspace.
Well the servers are in the same building.
Well obviously I plan on sending in a picture now, I mean that comment kinda made it obvious. I'll get around to it later.
The thought of BYONDspace intrigues me... tell me... wer r da hot wiminz up in dis ho?
Mechana2412 wrote:
I don't see the point of this, the virtual world is an alternate reality, so I'll just watch as you all create BYONDspace.

You could just say you don't look good D:

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