So I'm responding to the front page post who's apparent aim is to help everyone see how Palestinians deserve what they get. Here's a little clip from the link the post gives us with the "read up" instructions.

"In my last post 10 Palestinians Killed for Every Israeli is intolerable I stated that Palestinian children were killed "by being human shields and purposely put in the line of fire by Palestinian adults". This is a so well known fact that I thought I did not need to offer proof. But there are people who still believe the world is flat and one can wonder if there is any proof that will satisfy them of the opposite."

Some of the proof that the author offers are some pictures of Palestinian children with toy guns, militants in ski masks firing near groups and crowds of unarmed civilians, a militant setting a bomb, a small girl taking up a bomb vowing to avenge her mother's death, and a doll that's used to instruct children to take up militancy against Isreal. The rest of the evidence are quotes from various sources mainly ones with obvious tilt to Isreal or based in Isreal itself.

Israel News Agency,
Israel, Palestinians Must Outlaw Children Toy Guns

China Daily,
Palestinian shields foil Israeli strikes

not sure what the china daily derives from or what their political stances are

8 Aug 2006,
Palestinian Human Shield Watch

this one looks to be an Isreal source

Palestinians are lies
Palestinians Use Children as Cannon Fodder

Delightful title here hopefully that's the name of the article and not the publication itself, not that either are particularly kosher as a comment on an entire group of people.

You can find similar art to argue the lack of honor of the enemy of any particular state, such as nazi propaganda against the jews, our propaganda against the japanese, american indians, soviets ect, soviet propaganda against us ect. This diatribe has long existed in any conflict in nearly any period of history. It becomes fairly clear that this is the sort of reporting and editorializing going on here from the sorts of sources we see throught the piece.

some of the facts of the conflict.

1- Despite the loud complaints of the Isrealis they have been the far more efficient killers in this conflict on something of the order of 1:10 or more in death and injury.

2- Isreal continues to expand into Palestinian territory as it has done throughout it's history under various auspices, one of the popular ones right now is to have Isrealis colonize an area outside of Isreal and then have that area defended and then absorbed by the Isreali state thereby expanding their land. Of course this is always done under a great espousal of the need to defend themselves.

3- Isreal has recieved about 1/2 of all american foreign aid since it's inception after ww2, mostly military aid.

In my general view of this conflict the positions and aggresions of Isreal have been very similar to the U.S. against the american indian while we were slaughtering them and stealing the american landscape from them, all the while describing the inhumanity of indians in U.S. stories and reports. Somehow one group slaughtering a household justified slaughtering a nation, even now the Isrealis propose a resolution to the west bank disputes that will turn half palestinian state into a reservation encircled by Isreali land, with it's most valueble areas carved out for Isreal, and it's water diverted to Isreal. Just because jews were once victims of the holocaust does not justify them doing the same to others.

Isreal is a major ally of the U.S. (my country) in the world, providing a strategic postition in the middle east that we see as tactically critical for numerous reasons. Because of this our media has no desire to show a balanced picture of what is really going on between these peoples, messaging filters down from our government media sourcing and hawkish conservative think tanks about how we are supposed to view this conflict. It results in an equation that seems to say: 1 person killed by a "terrorist" attack is equal to 1000 killed by bombs,tanks or other state military means. It's not whether you killed an innocent person it's how you did it that counts. (Not to mention how many die as a result of economic sanctions, but that's never relevant)

Anyhow this kind of hypocracy and distortion of world events just gets to me, it's what allows evil in the world to go on, not because people don't care but because people who do care have been blinded by propaganda.

This particular media campaign isn't Isreal saying they need our help to fight this invincible foe, it's saying, "Hey were winning, so just look the other way and don't complain about the humanitarian details because they deserve it anyways."


links to a guy raised by a rabbi who argues the issue far better than I can AllByAuthor.cfm?lname=Chomsky&fname=Noam&sta...