"Here in Gaza in 2004, the little tykes are playing Will the Israelis fire back when fired upon by Palestinian Hero Warriors who would never shoot from positions surrounded by human shields. What a long title to a game, our children's names for games are much shorter like tag, or dodge ball, or hide and seek.
But, Bernie, you protest, some kids get killed even when there aren't any adult terrorists around, no?"
http://plancksconstant.org/blog1/2007/12/ why_palestinian_children_die.html
Read up.
![]() Dec 11 2007, 10:57 am
If you take this article to heart and actually believe that Palestinians truly put their Children out before themselves, you are one ignorant person. Because as much as we love to pick at problems in other countries, please look and pay attention to the problems in your home country and compare. We also have idiot parents in America, and just because some photographer caught pictures of kids around soldiers, or around idiot adults doesn't mean that's how all Palestinian adults think.
It's only propaganda when Masterdan doesn't like it. If he sees something about Israelis fearing Arabs though, he quickly goes on a rant about how Jews are Nazis.
Kimichi, I don't need it in two places. You're welcome to place a link to the forum argument, but no repasting please.
your a terrible person worldweaver, for spreading this evil propaganda of people being subhuman, you nazi fuck, i hope you choke.
Masterdan wrote:
your a terrible person worldweaver, for spreading this evil propaganda of people being subhuman, you nazi fuck, i hope you choke. Who'd I call subhuman mate? |
your implying that palestinians are. Saying they have retarded IQ averages and use there young as meat shields.
All of which are not representative of these desperate people as a whole. Your implying that they are less human than us and more barbaric and stupid. |
Masterdan wrote:
your implying that palestinians are. Saying they have retarded IQ averages and use there young as meat shields. The IQ thing is completely factual and true. Unadulterated and taken directly from an impartial website. It is due to socio economic and cultural factors. And as you see in the pictures, the human shields is also true. Don't believe me even when it is in front of your eyes? Google it. I don't make things up, I base my opinions in fact. You are the one running around calling Jews Nazis. |
i didnt call jews nazis, i critisized the post as being too exagerated, just like this post. You guys need to stop being irrational and taking sides when there are victims on both sides of the conflict.
The shit you posted does not prove that those pictures were taken during combat, more likely they are war orphaned children who are playing with the soldiers who they look up to. |
No, that's the answer you jump to when you don't want to believe they use human shields. Just fucking look it up.
Worldweaver wrote:
No, that's the answer you jump to when you don't want to believe they use human shields. Just fucking look it up. Look shitface, im not going to go looking for israeli propaganda. There is no way an entire culture would use children as human shields. This entire thing is bullshit. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ ab/'Destroy_this_mad_brute'_WWI_propaganda_poster_(US_versio n).jpg turns out after the world wars, we found out that germans werent burtal monkey men. Learn to be objective. |
Ugg, I swear the reading comprehension level on this site is so low...
The article said that the reason more Palestinian children die is because they often use them as human shields. That is fucking fact. And if you refuse to look it up there is no point of continuing this conversation. |
idiot, its israeli propaganda to excuse civilian casualties by saying its the palestinians fault. Absolute horse shit, nobody would send there child to die.
http://www.un.org/apps/news/ story.asp?NewsID=20148&Cr=palestin&Cr1 Read that, and tell me it sounds like the palestinian children are asking for it, looks more to me like israelis are blowing up peoples houses than anything. Fuck |
Masterdan wrote:
idiot, its israeli propaganda to excuse civilian casualties by saying its the palestinians fault. Absolute horse shit, nobody would send there child to die. You are fucking deluded. You know nothing of atrocities if you think nobody would do it. Here's a quote from wikipedia "In November 2006, Palestinian women served as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokeman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[6] That same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields |
Alright, I'm not sure how 1 repost was going to delute the tidy nature of this topic but ok here's the link to the other thread (more meat to go at imo)
http://members.byond.com/Worldweaver/ forum?id=1001&view=1&display=1&unread=1004 some classic quotes of Worldweaver's "Why? They have human rights violations - sure, no one can argue with that. Are they worse than any of the Arab nations, China, Russia, and most of Africa - Hells no. That's bias. Why do 40% of critical UN resolutions target Israel? Is Israel responsible for 40% of the evil in the entire world?" "Wrong, it existed in Pre-Roman times. It was destroyed and conquered by the Romans. The tribes that lived there before the Jews are no longer in existence. The Jews have a right to it. The Bedouin tribes didn't even arrive until 600 ad." "The world decided Israel had a right to exist and own that land. Jews have a better claim to the land than the Palestinians(who's is negligible)." "The 10:1 ratio is a product of Palestinian war tactics that depend on blending in with civilians to make it hard to distinguish Guerrilla warriors, the use of human shields and the lower casualty rate due to superior Israeli arms and soldiers." "If Hamas had a nuclear bomb they would use it on Israel, Israel does not use its bombs on Hamas. That is how you know who has more regard for human life." "Humans are worth more than land. Oh, but I suppose Jews don't count do they?" "But not the one country in the middle east where Arabs have the most rights, women can vote, gays don't get murdered, there are no honor killings, there's a functioning democracy and judicial system, and there's no sharia law?" "No, the proposed solution is to have similar borders to 1967. But this land is a gift. The Arabs took all the Bedouin land in the Israeli War of Independence, and Israel eventually won it in succeeding wars. The fact that they would give them any land is a completely ethically voluntary since Palis have no right to it. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until Arafat declared there was in the 1960's. Previously they were known as Jordanians and Egyptians mostly. The Bedouin tribes to which the mandate gave land to were up to 80% debt ridden and they didn't own the land. It was owned by rich landowners in Cairo and Damascus." I think a lot of these quotes of worldweaver's are pretty obvious as to their logical and factual problems, but I'll come back in and comment about them later, final tomorrow I'll pick this up after that point by point. but anyhow I'm not gonna bother with the other thread anymore I'll just post here to get everyone on the same page. Mike- PS favorite one so far "I would end with some spiel about how awesome I am and then link you to some famous person, Noam Chomsky is an idiot by the way, but that just makes you look stupid." |
appreciated Kichimichi, i think Worldweavers terrible bias and spread of hate needs to be decried.
My post, which this was obviously a response of, was to demonstrate how an ethnic group is being discriminated against by another. It did not use the word "Palestinian" and it didn't necessarily mean arabs who is anti-Israel.
You will find that a majority of Israeli Arabs, while they might not like it, do consider themselves Israeli by nationality and will stand by their flag, but they will still get abused, not because of religion or who they support, but the colour of their skin. |