![]() Nov 28 2007, 11:59 pm
Congratulations, the 23rd comment tripped the school internet filter system!
![]() Nov 29 2007, 12:01 am
It was Xooxer being abusive towards Silk (Who, to be fair, was mildly abusive in the first place. Whether it was deserved or not is another matter...)
Ad hominem... the resort of those who take on the arguing party rather than the argument.
Oh, I argued his points just fine, it doesn't mean I can't have some fun with him at the same time. Silk knows I hate his guts. It's a mutual relationship, actually, and has been going on for some years. And what the heck are you doing on BYOND at school? o.0
Wait. I posted this at nearly 1am Mountain Time. What school is open at night, and why are you there? o.0
Xooxer wrote:
Silk knows I hate his guts. It's a mutual relationship, actually, and has been going on for some years. Oh boy... you would *love* if the feeling were mutual, because someone like me caring enough to hate you would give you a spark of meaning and fulfillment. The fact is that you are completely irrelevant; which is why you've attached yourself to such ridiculous theories. If you can't garner attention of your own merit, the only thing you have left is to "shock" people with outrageous statements. |
You shouldn't be browsing Byond at school, you fucking cunt faggot!
Of course, you won't find out about this until you're out of school. Oh, to have a taste of your agony and curiosity right about now. :) |
Oh no, it'll let quite a lot of bad language through. For a time, I could read through the badwords config file of my old Legend of the Green Dragon BBG at school.
They've got much more strict recently though, even going as far as to apply the filter to wikipedia, which used to be superwhitelisted. I've also managed to persuade most of the teachers that BYOND is a fantastic educational tool, anyway. They should be teaching BYOND instead of Scratch in my opinion. |
SilkWizard wrote:
Oh boy... you would *love* if the feeling were mutual, because someone like me caring enough to hate you would give you a spark of meaning and fulfillment. Funny, you seem eager to pull the nasty out whenever you get the chance. You you think me so insignificant, then why even bother responding to my posts? because you really do care. :D You sir, are a bold-faced liar, and you prove it by your own actions. |
Xooxer wrote:
Bah. You GMT-centrics think the timezones revolve around you. ;) Actually, they revolve around us GMT+1 (Central Europe) folk! :) |
Xooxer wrote:
SilkWizard wrote: how do you tell someone over the internet that you don't care? to say so would require that you write a response, and writing a response means that you do care. but you can't effectively show that you don't care because this is the internet, communication is not direct and people cross paths so infrequently that its hard to show that you are ignoring someone. seems like quite a dilemma! no, its not much of a dilemma at all. silk didn't write a novel on why he doesn't care about xooxer, he didn't even write 100 words. he only took a minute or two out of his day to say "no, i really don't care", so there's a good chance that he really does not care. |
People never cease to amaze and astound me with thier infinite wisdom and insight into the psychological ramifications of BS on the web. Must we psycho-analyze every post on the internet?
Xooxer wrote:
People never cease to amaze and astound me with thier infinite wisdom and insight into the psychological ramifications of BS on the web. Must we psycho-analyze every post on the internet? when you make a post here, you are trying to convey to others what you mean and what you think. you have to do this in writing. there are no hand gestures or verbal cues that can help me figure out what you mean. to try to figure out your meaning takes a certain amount of analysis. i have to think of things from your perspective and try to figure out why you say the things that you do say. you don't have to be a psychologist to do this, you just have to be able to think like a human would. since we're all humans and we all think, its not that hard to imagine how another human might think. it might seem like a chore to you to analyze every post, but this might explain why people have problems communicating with you. |
Uh, yeah. Sounds like a load of BS to me, Dr. OFD.
First off, not every post is directed to you, nor are you obligated to read and respond, even if you think your point is worth defacting. Adding in assinine remarks about the psychology of someone's post, whom you yourself claim can't be directly analyzed since all you get are the words, is like trying to piece together what a jigsaw puzzle would look like with only smell to go by. All you can do is speculate about what you think I might think I might mean. You assume, therefore, you're an ass. And people don't have any difficulty understanding me, in fact you seem to think you know me quite well. You jump to conclusions without the faculties to foresee the outcome of your actions, therefore you continue to shove your opinion down other's blogs as if your words give creedence to some underlying truth that nobody is privy to but yourself, even though you are shown how shallow your words are, and often even by your own admission. |
Its funny because I can see merits in what Xooxer said and what OFD said.
Problem is that Silkwizard didnt just say "I dont care about that guy", he did a little attack in that same comment that made him seem like he does in fact have a problem with Xooxer after all (and made a hypocritical post). Regardless, i do agree that going off on tangents and psycho-analyzing forum posts that werent half as well thought out as the ensuing investigation will be.. Its kind of.. stupid. |
Xoox, you gotta bone up on your Ayn Rand. Silk is pulling a Howard Roark on you!
"Mr. Roark, we’re alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me? In any words you wish. No one will hear us." "But I don’t think of you." If you haven't read any Rand books, I'd recommend them. Anyone who has an interest in liberty and individualism should at least check them out. Whether or not you agree with her philosophy (and I myself agree with a lot less of it than I did when I first encountered it, around 1990), she raises many questions worth considering. And IMHO she's a terrific storyteller. |
Xooxer wrote:
Yeah, I'm not smiten with libertarianism. Ayn Rand wasn't a libertarian. Gughunter wrote: "But I don’t think of you." Coincidentally enough, that is actually my favorite line from that book! It's also pretty much the only line from the old black & white movie that Gary Cooper delivers correctly. And yeah... I'd say that disagreeing with Rand's philosophy shouldn't stop someone from reading her fiction. My brother is diametrically opposed to her philosophy, but I've been trying to convince him to read Atlas Shrugged simply because it's an excellent story. |