I was bored, so I decided to make a Pacman game. I started about a week ago and this is what I came up with. Please tell me what you think!
Pretty cool. I found a few problems..

1. The ghosts go diagonal sometimes which I had never seen happen in the original Pacman.
2. When I ate one of the ghosts they didn't go back to the box, they just turned back to normal afterwards.
Thanks for the feedback.

1. I disabled diagonal movement but it made the movement sloppy. I'll probably try to use pathfinidng instead.

2. I wasn't aware that they were suppose to go back to the box :/. Will be changed.
I haven't played it, but have you set up the ghosts so that they have different movement patterns? The original Pacman set it up that way so the ghosts don't gang up on the player.
I like it overall especially the presentation; my only gripe is the movement..It seems a bit choppy/stuttered.
Nice! I love the full-screen.
i like your game