Kevin Rudd is:
- Against homosexual marriage
- Against Nuclear Power plants
- Global Warming concerned (will sign Kyoto Protocol)
- Plans to introduce faster broad band
- Will provide more funding for schools
- Will provide more computers for schools
Those are just a small few of his policies I bothered to read up on. Personally, I find the global warming and nuclear power points of view to be a tad hypocritical, but that's just me.
Anyway, Labour has always been a pretty crap government when it comes to the economy. And Bush is going to be pretty pissed, Rudd wants to remove combat troops out of Iraq and replace them with military trainers, so Iraq can train it's own police and military to deal with threats.
Then again, the only real argument against nuclear power is that it can sometimes asplode, and that's only if they're not constantly well-maintained.