I actually like it a lot.
I second that, I really love the style. It's much better than throwing a bunch of images together from the show.
I'd like it if it didn't look like something a baby would watch on a kid show. :/ Thumbs up for originality though? :O
i like it too! 'Two thumbs up!' & '5 Stars!'. Seriously.
That is so simple.....I mean, there's some serious juevos to do that...and it pays off. It's really cool(in my opinion). So...ignore the troll below me :P
I actually really like it, it has its own style, better then the 15 characters photoshop'd into a image.

Err...someone else said that to.
The stars should be a maroonish color.. To avoid the look of cookies!

Dragonball Cookiez!
stay away from the cookiez k?
the dragon balls really do look like cookies
A chocolate-chip cookie with one chocolate-chip!!! Madness!!!!