So I've been meaning to make this post for a few days now, but I've been neglecting to do it, waiting until I get more to show, but then getting side-tracked on a smaller part of the engine and not getting anything more to show, so here goes anyhow!

I'm calling this project "Murder Mansion 3D" until Popisfizzy comes up with a name with a tad bit more creativity. Basically, it's going to be Murder Mansion by SSGX, but with 3D visuals and written in C++. Right now I'm working on the renderer, which can be either OpenGL or DirectX at this point (I've actually made it so that the engine can take either one without me having to make a single modification to the engine itself).

I just finished the logger; the product of a clean run of the logger without the comments (for the sake of readability) can be found here.
but its just a screen of black, black pointless black screen of black...
Rinkuu wrote:
but its just a screen of black, black pointless black screen of black...

For now. Hence the long explanation about putting this post off because I keep pushing off adding content.
I took this route earlier this year :P

If you're not going to use an engine (I suggest you do.... Really, it's a shit-load of hard work), heed my advice and make it modular to the max. I designed mine modularly and it STILL wasn't modular enough to be easy to rework later on. If I wanted to work on it again, I'd have to remake almost the whole thing.

If you do any exterior mapping and are pulling your hair out, ask me for some help :P I spent so damn long on mapping alone that I now know it like the back of my hand.


What's with the 60 FPS for a black screen?? Adapters, man, adapters.
Kunark wrote:
What's with the 60 FPS for a black screen?? Adapters, man, adapters.

I blame Directx. None of my directx applications (I have a few games I've played that use Directx) exceed 60 FPS.
That would probably be vertical sync running. It makes the framerate run at the speed of your monitor. It prevents tearing on LCDs.
That is the best screenshot in the world.

May I have another?
Do you not have a video card or something? My video card is crap and I get about 120 FPS. Black screen would be way more.

If it were just doing it in your engine, you have to set up the adapter in DirectX so it uses hardware vertex processing; otherwise it uses software processing which gives you crappy FPS like 60 and less.

You may also not have your card properly installed, or the DX software/drivers.
I think Danial's right, it's the vsync.
I disabled vsync and it instead maxed out at 75 FPS. >_>